
There is only one way to decide this matter - and it‘s called the Thunderdome!!

But jokes aside, ofc I wanna, but I can also make space if you really, really want (zig-a-zig uh :hot_pepper:) :slight_smile:

(@truecrawl )


lnnl_ Thunderdooooome! _lnnl Nah, but jokes aside: do you have the adventure already prepared and are ready to go? I’m asking to not “needlessly wedge myself in”. How long is the adventure and what is important to you about it? I can always DM on other nights, but if it stresses people out last minute then I can gladly take over the duty. I quite enjoy dming for players and can work myself into the material really fast.

It‘s an adventure I have lying around and need to tweak like, a little bit, so nothing big. Normal playing time, around 3-4 hrs (hopefully - am bad at guesstimating)

It‘s a small investigative adventure set in the city of towers, searching for a missing person :slight_smile: could actually lead into a few follow-up adventures, but I plan to keep it contained

Aye, then it seems that you already have the work put in. Would be a shame if you didn’t get to enjoy dming that.

In that case: may I join as a player tomorrow? What do you allow/disallow? Eberron has the “Mark of the …” adventurers, is any of that plot-relevant?

Sure - you are very welcome! Anything V.A.L.U.E legal works perfectly well, Eberron content even more so :slight_smile: Mark of Making* (not Creation, oops) could have some interesting interactions, you‘d get a bit bonus background info beforehand if you showed up with one


Cool! Then let’s do that. Thanks for the short discussion. It will be great fun, I think.

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I hope so

… this week is packed

I put you on the :four_leaf_clover: list
(maybe things work out :vulcan_salute: … but no promises)

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Then let´s prepare some T1 awesomeness! LVL1 power! (Or would it be possible/allowed to build a lvl2 Character if I already have a lvl2 from another game?)

Value rules are pretty clear on that - new characters are lvl 1 or lvl 5. but you can just bring the level 2 character and play that if you like :slight_smile:


in V.A.L.U.E. you can start at level 1 or level 5

every time you have played a character, they get +1 level up and +10 downtime days

you can find our Houserules here :point_right: The V.A.L.U.E. Rules

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Noooo, my OCD says that’s cheating :joy:


Won’t be able to make it today. have fun tho! :smile:

Yes, reading (again) helps! :sweat_smile: I´ll just take my “old” lvl2 character instead, good advice @mane , thx!

See you guys tonight then! :saluting_face:

Now (after reading again) I see that it is! :sweat_smile: My bad!

Won’t be able to join due to illness, but enjoy friends!

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:pray: wish you a speedy recovery

@mane since one DM sadly can’t make it, you have a guaranteed DM slot

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hope u have a speedy recovery :blush: :heart:

for the :four_leaf_clover: list:

@B1ACKT3A x2 & @Nox … will work out :+1:

@Avallona, @truecrawl, @Atanen, @stollow

… since no one else cancled, please be aware that this will be a gamble
… maybe it works out? hopefully it does? but … yeah

also be aware that there is a game-slot option at Saturday as well
:point_right: Resurrecting Saturdays at Sägewerk


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Saturday we have enough space/seats but not enough DMs.