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prerequisite: being a (non-Druid) member of the Clan
Grandfather Eiwar died, and his only relative Pakano was tried for treason and killed.
You stand up to try to win the title of Clan Leader. note: more than one PC can try to win the title cost: 10 Downtime Days
Some of the dwarven slaves, who you adopted into the Clan during the first adventure (‘Broken Tusk Moon’) seem to missing? Might be worth to investigate, maybe? cost: 5 Downtime Days
Undiscovered Country
prerequisite: being proficient in Perception, Stealth, ANDSurvival
You try to get glimpses of the things to encounter in this valley. cost: 5 Downtime Days
Oaklig continues the journey together with his fellow hunters
He will also offer his shield and staff in guidance to his clan (Leader of the Apes Downtime Activity, if the clan would accept a ranger as their leader).
If possible I would like to join the PRIMAL table again with my Druid. Clan leader is not a goal for Cain, so he will leave it up to others that he can build up from without.