The Place V.A.L.U.E. of Hidden Valleys

If resil shows up I’ll join his game. If not, I’ll join any T1-T2

Coming to dm the crystalline city.

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Would also love to join any T1-T2 table!

I want to join Crystal City, but I am not sure if I will feel fit enough form it.

I would join tomorrow with T 1 characters. I will probably bring a new player along with me

Got a T1 in the press that I will be bringing

character or game?^^

(I guess game, so I shift you to Resil & me)

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No chance im leaving on time today. Overtime workhours without an end in sight it is for me. See you tomorrow then. Hf everyone

PS i wouldve loved to put a proper ending to the story, but alas…


take care :pray:

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Is Polina coming today?

Preparing a T1 and T2

We’ll find a time :+1:

In that case I’ll join as a player :mammoth:

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Since the Plague will have to continue another time, I will also drop out today because I have too much on my plate at the moment anyways…

Greetings, would love to join cat’s table, but am flexible should the need arise, as per usual. Tiero T1-T4

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I might be a bit late today, maybe 10-20 minutes late

Hi guys, unfortunately my schedule changed, so I will not be able to play on fridays for the forseeable future.

Hopefully this will change again but for now I whish you all lots of fun playing.

Might potentially be 15 min delayed

Might be a bit late cause I’m a dumbass

Might arrive a few minutes late, depending on how quickly the underground arrives.