V.A.L.U.E. propositions

Post below if you are coming - all tables are open. Players of any level of experience are welcome.

Please indicate in your post:

  • Do you come to DM or play?
  • Which Tier is your game or character?
  • If you are new and need some help with character creation. (If you don’t need help with character creation → please check out our Houserules - link below)


  • T1 : levels 1-4
  • T2 : levels 5-10
  • T3 : levels 11-16
  • T4 : levels 17-20


:point_right: New to the Forum

:point_right: Our D&D Houserules

:point_right: V.A.L.U.E. magic item bazaar (costs 5 Downtime Days for both trading characters, each)

:point_right: Discord for questions and stuff

:point_right: Our VALUE Code of Conduct

will be there

can run something (Shadowdark :new_moon: ) or will join @BufoBufo table (T1)

I’ll be there to play for T1 or T2

I won’t be able to make it for the next 2 Weeks so if someone would volunteer to be a keyholder that’d be neat. Else you will need to leave when the CARD club does :slight_smile:

I have a proposition for you. T2-T3, I dm.

(Otherwise I can play any tier)

Edit: New proposition. I make a T1 Investigation adventure in Eberron.

I wanna go, but I am new so I would be grateful if someone could help me with my character (:

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No problem I will be there earlier. Be around 20-30 min earlier at the place.

no worries

there will be someone there to help you :muscle:
please show up 30min earlier

maybe print out an empty character (D&D 5E) sheet, please

p.s. might be there earlier too :slight_smile:

I’ll probably be there earlier too and have a spare empty sheet to give if need be

I will be there and I’d like to play T1-T4 please :slight_smile:

Oki thanks a lot, then I will be there 30min early. I will try to not forget the character sheet, so thanks JustJules but hopefully I won’t need it.^^




  • BufoBufo :frog: (T1 investigation adventure) 4/5 players

Players: (4)

  • JustJules :frog:
  • Darthbinks :frog:
  • katnyx :frog:
  • nebu

Is it level 1 appropriate? I’ve been wanting to try something new and would create a new character if I can join you!

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The Terrifying Tests of the Floating Towers of Arcanix

  • Level: Low T1 (1-3)
  • Setting: Eberron, Aundair (think french wizard knights) (if you don’t know the setting no problem). At the Floating Towers in Arcanix the premier magic school on the continent.
  • Theme: The first Semester exams at a magical university.
  • Story: You are first year students here to do your first semester exams at the university. Your older colleagues tell you about all the horrors you are going to face. But maybe the worst thing won’t be the exams?
  • You can play any characters as long as they fit the level range. You don’t have to be a magical caster since you are a freshman at the university.
  • Potential Content Warnings: Bullying, Peer Pressure, Anxiety over exams.

@katnyx No problem the game is low T1 anyway

@JustJules @Darthbinks @nebu

Since I’m probably going to dm for you (unless someone else shows up), here is a small primer on the adventure. Mostly if you want to create characters in the setting. If you have any questions you can write me anytime


will bring a level 1 cleric :bird:

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Is there a specific age range the characters should be, or could people from any age just start attending that university?

The age range starts at around 19 going up to whatever you like. Maybe an old sorcerer would like to go to magic university

Alrighty! I’ll still think a bit on which character I’ll bring, in that case!

Edit: If it’d be okay, I’d like to bring a level 2 warlock

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I Plan on coming to join a t1/t2 table :slight_smile:

ill come for t1 with a friend, he has never played dnd but is familiar with the badics. we’ll be 30-40 minutes earlier :slight_smile:

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