Open DnD5e Friday @Cafe 1070 Value games. You ain't seen the last of us!

OK perfect we are full then.

Iā€™ll be there with T1/2 Characters.
Also bringing a T1 adventure.I

Confirming attendance once again , will sent the 3d link later today

Hope you still got a place for a T2 char.

Hey there! Is there a place for a T1 char?
Iā€™d like to play this friday, if thereā€™s a table willing to let a new player play with them.

Currently Signed up for my table I have

MY table is full unless any drop out (Resil is first alternate)

Ill play at your table:) (Kinda forgot about me;)

When creating a character, what is the favourable method to distribute ability points?

IF it is your first time I reccomend using Standard Array as per the PHB but you can also use the variant point buy option.

STD array is a 15, 14, 13, 12, 10 and 8 to distribute as you like. Generally your 14 and 15 will go to your two most important stats. Donā€™t put your 8 in constitutionā€¦

I prefer point buy, as you can maximise your abilities :wink:

But whichever you choose, in AL you can change everything but the name about your character in the first four levels, so you can switch later on.
To survive first level it might help to choose higher CON now and reduce it later on (if you really think itā€™sa good idea).

If you reduce con later, does that apply only to newly gained HP on levelup, or does that also apply to the HP you already have?

HP you already have too.

okay, interesting :slight_smile:
Since my char starts on lv5, it doesnā€™t affect him in any way, I was just curious :wink:

your HP is essentially based on the formula of 1xHD + ((L-1)x(1+HD/2 )) + LxCONMOD

If your ConMod changes, so does your HPā€¦

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Hey, will finally be able to make it again this week, will bring a T1. Hopefully there is still room, sorry for the short notice!

Just double checking - itā€™s at Burggasse 68 right?


Damiet i sadly cant come i hurt my leg and cant really walk now withoud it behing painfull.
Slipped and my foot twisted in a weird way so yea XDD hope i can come next week

Gona bring a t2

Coming with a friend