Looking for group

Actually, I considered Cayden already. I like the relaxed and just feel his lore gives off.

(Yes, Nobility seems awesomely broken. I’ll pass on it out of fairness though.)

A nonhuman party…fascinating!

BTW: Could we define ‘around noon’ ? :smiley:

12:00 at Fantasy Flagship

I intend to have the game start at that time.
I am already in my way, will be at the flagship some time earlier (as early as 10:45, I guess), so for anything you’d like to clear up, I’ll gladly help.

So is it set for next Thursday around 17:30 at the appartment of the guys , or did i miss something?

Hello and good morning.
(I stayed up late yesterday, coming back to this further down…)

First of all: Thank you all for giving me this opportunity! I had loads of fun, and I hope you had too, in the end.

I now know that the start of the game was a bit rough, and I might have been able to handle that better, but hindsight is always 20/20.
As I said after the game, you really went off the rails, but I hope it wasn’t all to bad of a game with me improvising as hell.
As mentioned above, I had some things to think about yesterday evening, and I’m pretty sure I can get you back to the adventure, but I have to be careful with some reactions to your actions. You sure made things interesting.

Now, for our next session, Thursday was a day all should be able to make I remember, but the time wasn’t set in stone yet. I think Pia was one of the latest to end her work?
I can get away after 16:30 easily (on most days), and need probably half an hour to get to bisiacco’s flat, but I have to recheck my schedule on Monday, just to be sure that this Thursday is nothing planned (It should be okay, but I might have forgotten something).

Some of you also mentioned being interested in a more long-running campaign. This search originated with just that goal, so when we are close to finishing this module we can talk about the next thing, either some other module or the start of a campaign, with new people or the current ones.
We will see about that then.

Speaking for myself i had loads of fun aswell :slight_smile:
If i recall what Pia said she works until 17:30 but she does not need that much time to reach home.

I would just like to clarify aswell that i will leave at the 10th of Febraury and return in the beginning of March , as it is the only chance i got of being home for an entire academic year.
So i suppose it would be worth it to play as much as we can till then , to make up for that .
Thus said , i would be more than happy to join you and play again from March , hopefully on the next Module/Campaign of our DM :smiley:

Yeah, it was fun!

I hope we didn’t completely derail the module :laughing:

BTW: It might be time for a group-subforum

Well, let me put it this way: we played through about 10% of the module as written.
The current situation is no complete train wreck, we can easily follow the tracks we build ourselfs. We just take a detour.

I requested the group forum, will notify you when it’s open.

Guys! Good monday everyone!

So, first of all, I really enjoyed, at least until when Pia almost killed me :stuck_out_tongue:
Out of the joke, we were really happy and we’re looking around for the next time.

So now the bad news: my parents will come to our flat on Wednesday and they will stay in our flat till Monday morning. This means we are not free till that date.
I anyway remark that our flat is more than available for intra-week session, except this small period.

Now we come to the point: if you wish we can have a double session next week, one intra-week (any day is fine, starting at 5:30pm) and one on saturday like last time.

We are available and more than happy to do it!

Greetings from Feänor, the almost-dead wizard!

No game this week actually fits my schedule rather well. A request to bid came up, to be worked on until Monday 21st, so I will probably work some late hours, with little time to prepare for things.

I will setup a doodle to find a time for the session next week, will post a link here or in the group-area, when it’s ready.

Double Session next week works for me rather fine , or even just 1 session.
Point is that as i wont be there from 9-28 february , a double session could possibly help us catch up.

I haven’t noticed your name was Feanor mate , cheers

So we are Double,Trouble (really guys…) , Udin , Feanor and Norros

Yeah, we really didn’t have much of an introduction in the game, but that came to be as you all just stepped up to the task at hand.

Maybe, when you all find yourself in the same accomodation for the night, you get to know each other a bit better.
If you survive to that point. looks at the wizard

who is the “intimidate roll” guy here in the forum? :laughing:

That would be GJsoft.

So we are Double,Trouble (really guys…) , Udin , Feanor and Norros
Since I’m playing a switch-hitter ranger that’s actually not a bad name…At first I was just kidding about it but yeah…I’ll keep it now :slight_smile:

Do you know who I am?!

So we are Double,Trouble (really guys…) , Udin , Feanor and Norros
Since I’m playing a switch-hitter ranger that’s actually not a bad name…At first I was just kidding about it but yeah…I’ll keep it now :slight_smile:[/quote]

I am pretty sure that Double Trouble will create a good couple!

Do you know who I am?![/quote]

/roll D20
