Post below if you are coming - all tables are open. Players of any level of experience are welcome.
Please indicate in your post:
Do you come to DM or play?
Which Tier is your game or character?
If you are new and need some help with character creation. (If you don’t need help with character creation → please check out our Houserules - link below)
I now declare that I will be in your house, on the eve of the 24, in 3 days.
And I will put things there, what ever I desire.
I will enter your house, and there is absolutely NOTHING you can do about it.
Be prepared and try your best.
You better watch OUT
You better NOT Cry!
I am making a list and I am checking it twice!
Gonna find out Who’s honable and firce!
I sees you when you’re sleeping
I know when you’re awake!
O! You better watch out!
You better not cry.
Better not pout, I’m telling you why.