Unbelievable V.A.L.U.E

:house: location: Sägewerk, Währinger Straße

Post below if you are coming - all tables are open. Players of any level of experience are welcome.

Please indicate in your post:

  • Do you come to DM or play?
  • Which Tier is your game or character


  • T1 : levels 1-4
  • T2 : levels 5-10
  • T3 : levels 11-16
  • T4 : levels 17-20


:point_right: New to the Forum

:point_right: Our D&D Houserules

:point_right: V.A.L.U.E. magic item bazaar (costs each of the trading characters 5 Downtime Days)

:point_right: Discord for questions and stuff

Edit: I will be there and run a T1 horror adventure.

You wake up in a cell, surrounded by people you don’t know. You don’t know how you got here, in fact you don’t remember anything at all except a faint sense of horror and… guilt.

  • This will be a hop-on hop-off Mini- horror campaign. I will dm when I have time on Saturdays.
  • The theme is Lovecraftian Horror, especially The King in Yellow :yellow_heart:
  • It is inspired by Outlast and Amnesia and the Strange Aeons adventure path.
  • We start at level 1-2
  • Setting currently: Asylum
  • If you want to join write me a pm or ping me here. There might be some extra details.
Content Warnings

Medical Horror, Abuse, Mind Twist, Body Horror, Transformation, Guilt, Your past is not what you think it is, Lovecraftian Horror

If you have any specific triggers or fears please tell me beforehand!!


T1 or T2

Will be dming the continuation of my „the good, the bad, the bugbear“ spaghetti western mini campaign at T2🤠

If you are interested in joining gunslingers and some firearms are allowed (revolver, hunting rifle and shotgun)

I’d come as a player, would prefer T1

Hello! I’d join as a T2 or T1 player <3

i will be there to play on any table :slight_smile:

i will be there to play T1-3

Hey can I join? :slight_smile: sounds very cool


I will be there and would like to join @BufoBufo too with a new level 1. It sounds really interesting!

That sounds right up my alley. Would like to join as well. :slight_smile:


  • BufoBufo :scream:
  • Takanari :game_die:

Players (11):

  • Lenzi-boy T1-2
  • BDave T1
  • timoteus T1-3
  • Ylrahs T1-2
  • BerndiSterndi T1-T2
  • DnDmom
  • Roman T1 :scream:
  • Eshtesht :scream:
  • Martin :scream:
  • Valzon :scream:
  • Diistract T1-2 :scream:

Hi! I want to come! This would be my first ever game here, so I’m only T1 :smiling_face:

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Hallo. I would like to join as a player. Either T1 (lvl 2) or T2 (lvl 5).

Heyy! I could also join as a T1 <3 So i am open for any table, although the horror aspect sounds really thrilling! :face_with_peeking_eye:

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I’d like to join playing T1-3 if still possible

Hi there, would love to join.

Can be there with T1 or 2

Roman is coming for the horror campaign with me btw, just saying so that we can play together

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My son will join tomorrow too.