The VALUE of months with more Fridays than Mondays

:house: location: Die Requisite, Krummgasse 1A 1030 Vienna, Austria

New info for the space:

  • Entry is only 4€ per person
  • Drinks are also 4€ each, but are not mandatory
  • Outside food and drink are welcome
  • Please throw away your trash when you leave and return any glasses to the kitchen.

We’ve also been asked that people limit gathering right outside the door as much as possible. Short smoke breaks aren’t a problem, we just don’t want to disturb the neighbors.

Post below if you are coming - all tables are open. Players of any level of experience are welcome.

Please indicate in your post:

  • Do you come to DM or play?
  • Which Tier is your game or character
  • If you are new
  • and need some help with character creation. (If you don’t need help with character creation → make sure to read the houserules linked at the end of this post. Characters that have not been played at VALUE before can be created at level 1 or level 5, and we are still using the 2014 rules.)


  • T1 : levels 1-4
  • T2 : levels 5-10
  • T3 : levels 11-16
  • T4 : levels 17-20


:point_right: New to the Forum

:point_right: Our D&D Houserules

:point_right: V.A.L.U.E. magic item bazaar (costs each of the trading characters 5 Downtime Days)

:point_right: Discord for questions and stuff

:point_right: Code of Conduct.pdf (38.6 KB)

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Seeing as anything from the past week or so got lost in the internet, this is from memory. I may have put some people at the wrong table accidentally, so please correct me when that happened. I do think we still need the thread for loot :smiley:

As of yesterday when I went to bed, we had 4 DMs, 21 players, and 1 potential DM.

Katnyx / Full 5

  • Empiotreus
  • JustJules
  • Katnyx’ +1
  • Pretender
  • Watermelon

Xyathn / Full 5

  • Anabel
  • Andrew
  • Jboimler
  • Kirgul
  • Vishous

Burek / Full 6

  • Blueblaze
  • Polina
  • TequilaSunset
  • Gnak
  • FrozenKimchi
  • hatmaker

Kergy29 / 6

  • Col_Mustard
  • Xaosseed
  • Nemesand
  • Krakentoa
  • Myrm
  • Truecrawl

Potential DM:



Pathfinder should be @blueblaze @polina @gnak @Tequila_Sunset @FrozenKimchi & @hatmaker

(thanks for re-creating so well from memory by the way)


thanks! wasn’t sure if it was hatmaker or hamhamhanin. two h names :smiley:


I guess ill be on Kergys table. Sorry Katnyx it got too full i suppose

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Hello @Kergy29 ! Can I be a part of the wrecking crew tonight?

And where can I find the resource for entity creation again?

I’m terribly sorry for the short notice, but I’ve had a super exhausting day and I’d rather stay at home x.x Have fun and feel free to narrate Marik in as you see fit :dizzy: I think he’d borrow @watermelon the compass because he thought it was pretty cool how she jumped off a cliff without safety precautions and was saved by a Pegasus :stuck_out_tongue:


Hopefully you can relax! See you soon :slight_smile:

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I’ll be there around 6:50, would someone at my table please grab us a place to play?

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I’ll be there on time. Not early enough to grab a table though.

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thank you so much! I will be there early and ask for help with character/mech completion. I do not want to bog you all down.

I’ll pry open the door and place towels on every chair!


My apologies, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it today. I had a packed Friday and tried to get things done in time, but failed miserably.

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Got a bit delayed with work Ill rather be on time, sorry @FrozenKimchi

I’ll finish downloading in by 19:20, apologies @Kergy29 , meanwhile I’m filling in the character sheet in the tool

@Col_Mustard_Ret @krakentoa @xaosseed @Myrm @truecrawl - Well done for tackling the Terraces, Salvagers!

After 3 T3 upkeep, you are left with 27 T1, 9 T3, 1 T4 and 9 T5 scrap.

Upon reaching the Terraces you approached the Vickers-Royce arcology, both luring out a guard to intimidate into being an inside source, and braving a long queue to gain access to the arcology boss to secure some Wader hit contracts and a contract for recovering the assets of a lost unit in the Drowned City Metro Hub. You were also able to install a digital back door into their network (and get a few books and pens!).

After encountering a landslide on your way down the Terraces, knocking a few of you prone for an hour, you came across a farmer protest at the North Terraces, with a Forge trying to disperse them with water. You disabled its locomotion system, leaving it behind as a sitting duck for the protestors.

Finally you came across some Waders who immediately got scared and fled, so you recompensated the farmers who were stolen from and you made your way back to the Forge, which was now bloodily empty, and had it fixed at gunpoint by a local mechanic before loading up your new mech (with Vickers-Royce network access) onto the Ceres crawler.

Next stop - the Drowned City!

Here is a link to the abilities, systems and modules. Choose one new ability from your class ability tree (1s come before 2s, and so on), and consider any new T1-3 system or module you might like!


@Empiotreus @pretender @watermelon @JustJules and Liza,

With Beatrice still unwilling to face the f-word so soon after her near-death experience, you were very happy that Merron came up with a pretty cool idea to safely climb the spur. Of course, none of that is really relevant when instead of taking the deal with the shadow demon, you decide to engage and fight. Having to hold back Sister Selka from climbing through the monstrous storm by herself, after a short rest you managed to ascend together to a small tower sitting on a cloud and were welcomed for rest, conversation, and tea by Rojaros, who not only offered two elixirs of health, but also star maps to anyone who wanted them AND the holy book (the news of the overbright). He will welcome any religious writing or argument you may want to make and gives you instructions on how to reach him, ideally at his PO Box at the overbright magic school.

Up on top of the Giant’s Spur, you knew no mercy. You burned those poor cockatrices alive, but luckily the barbarian was hungry and found feathers when he wanted meat. You felt heroic as you jumped out of the window, into the overbright after having realised that Kalganro, this despicable cyclops, was petrifying pilgrims, taking them apart into smaller pieces, and then using them to create statues. However, several well-placed hits to the eyes made him a lot less dangerous than he might have been if any of you had actually gotten petrified. In the end, this giant creature died like all the others you slew along the way - with a bunch of arrows in its body and beheaded by the Barbarian.

The remaining living pilgrims - 6 of them - accompany you back down, share the story of what happened and convince most of the remaining pilgrims to leave. A few do prepare for the perilous journey upward to try and rescue more of the petrified friends - provided they can mend the pieces back together, first.

One of the pilgrims feels inspired by Beatrice’s plunge into the unknown and gives her a token of feather fall (consumable).

Ekhale also has the golden cross that glows slightly but otherwise seems to have no magical properties. It is worth 75 GP.

The Red Dragon Aurora is pleased with your work and pays the agreed dragon tax flag. You get the feeling there’s more she wants to say, but just isn’t saying right now.

Hal, Captain Catapult and Garagh successfully cleaned and resupplied the entire ship. They also got you backpay from your merchant’s guild’s representative. - 30 GP per week that you traveled. It has been about four weeks in total since departing Grayhaven, the volcano was 2 weeks ago. Please do the math for your characters.

You also manage to negotiate a better price for the Griffon eggs that you do have, they sell at 400 GP, which comes out to 80 GP pP.

Hal & the Deck crew also managed to convince the Merchant’s Guild to give you some magical items.

  • Amulet of Health
  • Amulet of the Devout (rare)
  • Dragon Wing Bow (Thunder)
  • Belt of Hill Giant Strength
  • Cloak of Displacement

(Everyone can choose one, multiple people can choose the same).

You have not used any of the consumables you have found, so the party adds

  • 3 Spell Scrolls (need to look up the spells again, blink, and…. )
  • 2 Potions given to you by Rojaros

to the equipment on board the Matilda.

Marik is told by Sister Selka what the second part of the rune meant. Essentially, sailing into the sunrise from the spot where the run was at the top was the direction of the treasure. Luckily, it’s in a similar direction as the party has to travel anyway.

As per VALUE rules, you may gain one level and 10 downtime days. Please note the next 2-3 adventures will still have the level 5 cap. You can also shop around the trader’s shoals if you want to, before you leave. You can purchase any common items or equipment at your own discretion.

Thanks for playing Voyage of the Fallen Star - Pillar of the Giants! Next session is in 2 weeks, which is… February 7?. I will be unable to make the session in 4 weeks, so we will either play 2 in a row at some point or move to a new rhythm. I had lots of fun watching you RP and specifically destroying the Cockatrices (back when I thought the cyclops was going to TPK you :D) and I hope you did too. See you soon, hopefully.

Story Awards

@empiotreus and @pretender - The Forsaken

On your way back down the spur to the trader’s shoals, you talk to the pilgrims who have lost their faith and show them your new holy book. Desperate for something to believe in, they start copying it. You take the chance to actually rename it “Forsaken” on the spot. The pilgrims set out to form a cult wit you two (Art and Exhale) as cult leaders, calling themselves “the forsaken”. If/when we encounter a group of humanoids, you have a 10% chance of encountering followers, who will do anything reasonable for you. E.g. shelter, errands, meat shields (as long as you argue it religiously).

@Watermelon (the Fallen)

Beatrice is now known as the Fallen. While she is still terrified of falling down for as long as you choose, she has also learnt that overcoming fears means facing them, not avoiding them - once per day, you can get advantage on any saving throw against fear.


@Andrew_D @jboimler @Anabel @Vishous @Kirgul

1500 DR, New Year’s Day.

Pazunia, 1st layer of the Abyss, has been destroyed.

Have the forces of good finally begun a triumphant march on their demonic foes of the Abyss? Have the lawful yet terrible powers of the nine hells struck a fatal blow in the eternal Blood War? Or have the unpredictable powers of chaos produced yet another random occurrence that means absolutely nothing? No one can say, for those of the greatest power and wisdom within Neverwinter were the hardest struck. Pazunia, the Plain of Infinite Portals, lived up to its name in its death throes, as every magical portal throughout Neverwinter turned into an escape route for fleeing demons before closing; some exploding in a spectacular fashion, while others winking out with barely a whisper. The tower of the Many-Starred Cloaks, Neverwinter’s mages association, lies in rubbles, while the tomes within the House of Knowledge still smolder with Abyssal flame. Those with no wealth or magic to have a luxury such as a magical portal fared much better, though there were many victims as the fleeing demons ran rampant through the city. Thankfully, the party’s efforts made a difference in keeping the casualties down.

Long-distance magical teleportation has proven to be unreliable as the aftermath continues to reverberate through the ethereal plane and beyond; with the tower of the Many-Starred Cloaks destroyed and its oldest, most established temples in shambles, the city turns to its smaller temples for news. Magical sendings bring in word that this chaos has spread throughout all of Faerun, with each city fighting its own battles. Neverwinter can expect no assistance from the Harpers or other organizations in the land; you are on your own.

Thank you for playing at my table!

I suppose we can say that the adventure… went the way we should have expected it to go? :slight_smile: Murder, unmurder, resisting arrest, court room battles… we definitely had it all. But the party did an excellent job of navigating through the chaos, and you made a difference in the defense of the city.

I’m not sure why ape-demons carry gold, but apparently they do (per the book), so the party does gain treasure! Each character gains 360 gp, 10 downtime days, and 1 level. The next session will be for level 6 characters, in two weeks.

The party also finds 3 Bracers of Defense on the corpses of the ape-demons (max 1 per character, for up to 3 people). There will be additional options for magical treasure posted separately in the campaign chat, along with Downtime Activities.


I think it was scroll of spiritual weapon, call lightning and now blink.

Thanks for the great session!

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