We’ve also been asked that people limit gathering right outside the door as much as possible. Short smoke breaks aren’t a problem, we just don’t want to disturb the neighbors.
Post below if you are coming - all tables are open. Players of any level of experience are welcome.
will continue to run pathfinder abomination vaults (lvl 1 pathfinder) (minimum 3 signups neeeded)
otherwise can run dnd of any tier as demand requires. / happy to play if not
If we can get at least 4 returning players, I would run the next part of Voyage of the Fallen Stars - into the volcano. I’ve heard from a bunch of people that they can’t be there, so we’d need to reach the 4 by Wednesday night.
Otherwise, I would like to DM an unrelated one-shot or play any table.
If I DM, either adventure would be T1/3-5 players.
Voyage Of The Fallen Star: Into The Volcano
The party’s travels have led them to a volcano, and they can only assume that a star shard fell into the crater and was somehow swallowed. The island of Igni’ka has been showing signs of random magic, almost as if the magic of the shard has something to do with it. With some help by Vahlisto, a hermit who lives in the caves beneath the volcano, the party will descend into the volcano and see if it can recover the star shard to continue the journey.
Should any new characters (or returning characters who weren’t there for the last session) join, the most logical story way for them to join would be that they were captured by the evil army of Blackrift and were forced to work at an excavation site on the island, where the Blackrifters also hope to find a Star Shard - but somehow they escaped.
Other reasons or ways of being there are of course also fine.
Warnings: Volcano-kind things
Edit: We are playing voyage of the fallen star. the table is full. I have created an (optional) document with the forum summaries so far, so those who are interested in reading up don’t have to search so much.
There is a small, but nicely chiseled tomb stone on a hill a few walking minutes from the beach. It states: “The remains of Istan - his neck was killing him”
@Atanen so @JustJules is joining too,
seeing as they’re a returning player, the spot would go to them and with that the table would be full with 6 players. Sorry!!
tldr-2 players t1 preferable beginner friendly but our characters are level 2 and 3.
It is easier for me to get to wowkeepers, but for now i list myself with my girlfriend as well.
We would like to play t1 together So whichever place can host a beginner friendly game is where we’ll go!