We’ve also been asked that people limit gathering right outside the door as much as possible. Short smoke breaks aren’t a problem, we just don’t want to disturb the neighbors.
Post below if you are coming - all tables are open. Players of any level of experience are welcome.
I would DM my first Pathfinder Society scenario for Pathfinder 2e (remastered) as outlined in this post. Minimum 3 players to go for it & max 5 – priority seating for @Alaadu@Twist@blueblaze & @Kaomh who showed interest (please confirm in this post).
This is a different system! This means no credit towards V.A.L.U.E., nor will I be tracking credit towards Pathfinder Society organized play. We’re here to learn the system and have a nice 1-session-focused storyline doing it.
All PCs would be at level 1 in any case, please check out the post mentioned before for options for the character you would play (and ideally let me know which one you pick).
I will be along; running T1, a return to Spelljammer Academy.
Only prerequisite - your adventurer decided for whatever reason to sign up for the space navy; potentially on the basis of a very enthusiastic pamphlet bragging about how good the food is and how exotic the adventures are.