The V.A.L.U.E. of Basic Titles - Now in Krummgasse 6 -

:house: location: Krummgasse 6

New info for the space:

  • Entry is only 4€ per person
  • Space for 6-7 tables, chairs galore
  • Drinks are also 4€ each, but are not mandatory
  • Outside food and drink are welcome

We’ve also been asked that people limit gathering right outside the door as much as possible. Short smoke breaks aren’t a problem, we just don’t want to disturb the neighbors.

Post below if you are coming - all tables are open. Players of any level of experience are welcome.

Please indicate in your post:

  • Do you come to DM or play?
  • Which Tier is your game or character


  • T1 : levels 1-4
  • T2 : levels 5-10
  • T3 : levels 11-16
  • T4 : levels 17-20


:point_right: New to the Forum

:point_right: Our D&D Houserules

:point_right: V.A.L.U.E. magic item bazaar (costs each of the trading characters 5 Downtime Days)

:point_right: Discord for questions and stuff


I would DM my first Pathfinder Society scenario for Pathfinder 2e (remastered) as outlined in this post. Minimum 3 players to go for it & max 5 – priority seating for @Alaadu @Twist @blueblaze & @Kaomh who showed interest (please confirm in this post).

This is a different system! This means no credit towards V.A.L.U.E., nor will I be tracking credit towards Pathfinder Society organized play. We’re here to learn the system and have a nice 1-session-focused storyline doing it.

All PCs would be at level 1 in any case, please check out the post mentioned before for options for the character you would play (and ideally let me know which one you pick).


I will be present for PF.

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Will also be present for PF2e

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I will be there for PF table!

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I’d love to join the PF2e (Remaster) session as well!

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I will be along; running T1, a return to Spelljammer Academy.

Only prerequisite - your adventurer decided for whatever reason to sign up for the space navy; potentially on the basis of a very enthusiastic pamphlet bragging about how good the food is and how exotic the adventures are.


I’ll be there to play

I’ll join to play.

For Pathfinder character creation. Should we use Pathbuilder or bring it on Paper?

Pathbuilder is even better, just send me a PDF export of the character sheet in a DM before the game

I’d like to join and play with a T1 character.

DMs (3)

  • Burek PF2 :crossed_swords: 5/5 FULL
  • xaosseed :rocket:
  • trickthegiant :european_castle:

Potential DMs (2)

  • Col_Mustard_Ret :old_key:
  • eeni34 :magic_wand:

Players (20)

  • Octi :crossed_swords:
  • Twist :crossed_swords:
  • Alaadu :crossed_swords:
  • aiouh :crossed_swords:
  • Tea007 :crossed_swords:
  • dreamowl :rocket:
  • Shocker :rocket:
  • Martin
  • jboimler
  • Marcell
  • mcbasm789
  • Arthilas
  • Tequila_Sunset
  • FrozenKimchi
  • polina
  • Rhode
  • Tiero
  • Myrm
  • comfan

Would like that too, but can’t be there. :pensive: Just for the record

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I’m just seeing this now, this sounds fun! Would really like to join the table!

Are there any requirements as to species of the character we bring or are classic 5e (potentially existing) ones possible?

No requirements beyond they decided to join the space navy whatever they are.

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If you still have space, I would love to join and try out PF. Otherwise I will come to play some Dnd

You’ve got the last seat for this week :slight_smile:

Hello any space for Pathfinder? If not any table is fine.

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I’d like to join as well. I’ll be bringing T1-T2.