The Settlers of Catan

If I have enough time, I’ll come too, just to meet you guys.

Yeah, too bad I won’t have time to join you there too.

ok, so why don’t we still say 4, and we can get settled in, get some coffee, maybe a sandwich, and Div can join us at 5?

The more the merrier.

Well; it was a lot of fun!

Hopefully we will do that again soon!

I loved it. And I also liked the Sperlhof, it’s really ideal for board games, quiet, not crowded and boy are there a ton of board games available, unfortunately they all seem to be in German, but I guess for most games it’s enough if one person can read the manual.

I also had fun, and second the Sperlhof, although I think we might want to consider someplace else if we want to add dinner in.

I think we should try all the bars we had on the list and decide later the ones we liked the best…