Spielbar: Thursday 3x5=15. Open Gaming Night. 7pm

Thursday bla games bla Spielbar bla. Plans?

After the recent QI business, I’d like to run something a little more traditional one of these weeks. Anybody interested in, say, Traveller?

Of course, I’d be equally happy to sit back and play. There have been rumblings of a Simonian sleuthfest at an as yet undisclosed date, for example, and I definitely wouldn’t want to miss that.

So many games, so little time … See you next Thursday!

Oooh, Traveller; Classic.

Never played it but would love to try…

Ooooh, Traveller. Sign me up.

I have never played Traveller before but I would be happy to try it out.

It’ll be my first time joining you guys so if there is anything I should know or bring let me know. I will also be coming with the girlfriend so count this post for two.

I’m curious H as to how you will do character creation? From my experience half the game and half of the fun is in character creation. I remember the look on my Dm’s face when I rolled the exact combination to get a psi character after he stated the odds of rolling the exact combination and choosing the correct career paths are 1 in 1,000,000??? I can’t quite remember but somewhere near this extreme. Well if we get to roll up our own characters awesome! Otherwise looking forward to seeing what you produce.

Not to mention the fact that you can easily just bite the dust in the character creation process itself. Good times.

I’ll try my best to finally join again this week. If all goes as planned, see you fine folks soon!

[quote=“Sam”]I have never played Traveller before but I would be happy to try it out.
It’ll be my first time joining you guys so if there is anything I should know or bring let me know. I will also be coming with the girlfriend so count this post for two.[/quote]
something to write (pen & paper) would be nice
dice would be great

if you don’t have any or if you forget, do not worry - there will be someone who could borrow you stuff^^

I try to make it this week
(and I am interested in Traveller as well :wink: )

I will post tomorrow, if I make it or not

Nooooooo I missed the QI-thingi?

Traveller sounds good, but the group might be getting too big…

Hey, I am joining this Thursday =)

will make it
but probably will show up late

The wife and I would love to join if there’s room for two more.It would be great to make it out first open gaming night

Sorry guys, but I won’t be able to make it this Thursday!
You guys have fun and don’t burn the place down!

Sounds like we gonna have two tables

Anyone have anything to run for the second table? I could bring Queeste, but I’d rather have ubiquity dice first…

Hi all
I’m joining too. I will bring Land of Og, in case needed.

I got superheroes if interested.

You give me a reputation, I try and live up to it …

But yes, as Tom said, character creation can be fun (even if you survive), so I’ll try and be there at 6:30 or so to allow enough time for anyone who would like to to do so.

We’ll be playing the original version, by the way, so most rolls will be 2d6 if you’re planning on bringing your lucky dice. (As always, no rules knowledge required.)

That would make it MegaTraveller, wouldn’t it?

But yes, a second table (at least) would be in order.

See you in the Third Imperium!

I’ll bring Knights of Camelot again, just in case. Waiting on my Ubiquity dice.