Spielbar: Thursday 3x5=15. Open Gaming Night. 7pm

Sorry, my babysitter just cancelled on me. I’m afraid I’m going to have to wait a little longer to meet all of you, and finally sit down to play a game. My apologies for the last minute withdrawal, i hope it doesn’t inconvenience you too much.

Seem I’m chained to my desk until next week… :frowning:

Hello everyone, sorry we’ve been out of touch for so long!

We’d like to turn up at tonight’s session. Katharina and I will be there, as will Sophie.

Looking forward to seeing you again! :smiley:

Seems I’m going to miss Traveller screams in anguish
Next week, hopefully.
Have fun, everyone!

won’t make it
I’m by faaaar to tired from work :frowning:

see you guys

[quote=“GJsoft”]Seems I’m going to miss Traveller screams in anguish
Mainly, you missed Kaura showing that he truly is an action hero. :mrgreen:

In any case, there may be a Traveller reprise next week.

See ya!