Sader day... Continue playing

:house: location: Sägewerk, Währinger Straße

Post below if you are coming - all tables are open. Players of any level of experience are welcome.

Please indicate in your post:

  • Do you come to DM or play?
  • Which Tier is your game or character


  • T1 : levels 1-4
  • T2 : levels 5-10
  • T3 : levels 11-16
  • T4 : levels 17-20


:point_right: New to the Forum

:point_right: Our D&D Houserules

:point_right: V.A.L.U.E. magic item bazaar (costs each of the trading characters 5 Downtime Days)

:point_right: Discord for questions and stuff


I’ll not be there next Saturday, need to (probably) finish another campaign.

Dungeon of the mad mage continues on the 12th.

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I could DM the 2nd part of The Mudlands in the same constellation, if people want it and are feeling up to the task. @Tiero @Twist @Myrm @Marcell

What does availability look like for you all?

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Ill be there if nothings springs up. Otherwise i might be late but still be there.

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I’d definitely be up for it.

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Half of the crew is here already, looking great so far : D

I’m okay with going this week. Would be fun to finish the story!

Just wanted to say that with 3 players, we already have a functional table going. And if we really want we can finish the story. Or (hear me out) I can run a different part of The Mudlands for you or even an entirely different adventure of mine. That would be up to y’all. But it is apparent that we have a session on our hands :smiley:

My son would like to play as well.

I’m sure your son can be a part of our table, however it should be noted that the session will be hectic and horror-themed. If your son enjoys this, then the more the better. Also: It’s a Tier 1 game. So character levels from 1 to 4 are admissive.

I’ll sadly be unable to come again. Another family problem/emergency. I’m very sorry!!! :persevere::persevere:

You will be missed! And I wish you and your next of kin all the best with the problem/emergency.

They will inherit your name and crawl for the first year of your life

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Yes, he is cool with all that, thanks!

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Great! Then, this is the story we are continuing : D

Reminder that we want to gather at Sägewerk by noon (12:00) and if it becomes ~12:20 and not everybody is there yet we will just start. Alright?

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@Marcell @Myrm where are you at?

Sorry im comming now. Damnit- i thought it wouldbe later during the day.

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@DnDmom’s son @Dharaxas @Myrm @Twist @Marcell @Tiero I thank you all for being interested in and participating in Saturday’s session of The Mudlands! (Some of you did not show up but I will include you in spirit to keep with the theme of the games I run)

So what happened? Curiously…nothing much! Yes, the Wound in the World was bested by the players and they all had a multi-faceted fight through an entire house (of The Oldest House variety). Some people died, others were torn from an icy slumber and forced back into this world to aid the living. It was all rather hectic. Someone was pushed into an oven, walls were hacked open to reveal mockery given flesh. Often was there talk of “why don’t we just run away now?”…but honestly, this was why you visited Sägewerk on that day. You, your characters and me as the DM had a thrilling time.

I get to reward your adventurers now.

Every single soul, brave or not, who came out the other end of The Oldest House receives +100 gold pieces, +1 level up and 10 downtime days.

Additionally, each one of you may keep 1 (that’s ONE) of the following magic items:

All of the homebrew items in my setting, like the Headlong into Monsters effect, the Warhammer of Corrosion, the Kriss Blade, etc are still just admittable at games that I run. Please do not pester other DMs with that stuff.

I thoroughly enjoyed running the game and, as we close the curtains on this weekend, would like to thank you for being such curious players who really want to fix the bad place you have found yourselves in. It really heightens the experience. The B.B.E.G. of the setting still watches on, pondering his options. The player characters still tend to the Lizardfolk and to each other. The forces for good you discovered still rear up against the status quo. And the witches, succubi, prototype Hounds and others…are still in peril of the “ever churning, hateful landscape that originated from and still fosters scorn and neglect” that some of you have witnessed yesterday.

Until next time. Be well.


I would call it a draw when it comes to our first ever trip to that House. Rather Mixed on the results but i guess that´s what an Adventure is. A story to remember. I will come next time ON time. Till next Morrow.

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