Resolutionary V.A.L.U.E. #wordsmith

It’s probably quite late, but I’ll be joining, too. I’ll bring a T1 character and I’ll be happy about any space at an open table. :blush:

I don’t think there is a T1 table, only T2 and PF (though that may or may not be full already)

I might be late by 10 minutes

I might be there late (can’t say if/by how much yet), the U3 has some troubles

Excellent, I would never dream of attempting such a feat, glad to know I’m safe. Thank you very much @aiouh.

@Arthilas Haha gods just noticed, would have been super fun to join the table - a very much unusually high-powered DnD table, in more than one sense :mechanical_arm: :crossed_swords: :minmax: :crazy_face:

You can still join, mellon nin!

I’ll be a bit late too - and I want to reserve the big, long table in the front room, as we’ll need space for a tarrasque-sized battlemap :wink:

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I’ll be a little late

Salutations, got held up at Micky Finns Pub, so if anyone is looking for a betthupferl-cider, company could be appreciated :grin:

Haha lel wut

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Seems like someone here does not speak elvish? :wink:

thank you @hatmaker @polina @Tequila_Sunset @HamHamHanin @gnak @Tiero for playing and concluding the first chapter of the abomination vaults !!


@Clove @JustJules :@Vishous @Watermelon @Empiotreus @pretender Wow, this was a session full of unexpected twists and turns and I’m happy I got to play it with you.

You encountered old enemies and made new friends, you agreed to serve Aurora in return for the dragon tax flag and are hoping to sell the griffon eggs you have procured. You reached Tidewatch a friend of the pilgrims of the Oarsman and with his blessing, which is the end point of the pilgrimage for most people who love their life, and managed to defend the pilgrims from the cloud golems, who - so you have guessed by now - came in during the last ritual and kidnapped all the pilgrims. You even saved a falling Pegasus baby. Which was lucky, because when Beatrice decided to leap from the temple, putting her trust in a flying machine of a dwarf she had known less than a day, Pegasus’ mommy saved her.

You know the star piece is higher up still, in the Overbright. Sister Selka will provide anything you need to make the climb, seeing as the path ends. In the next session, Beatrice will have 1 level of exhaustion, seeing as she worked through the night.

Your sea urchins have dried up and can no longer heal you. The sea urchin you left in the tank has replicated again.

In terms of loot,

  • Marik has 2 rubies worth 50 GP each and a gold ring worth 25 GP (but hasn’t been able to sell it)
  • Scorch has the small dictionary of giant-common-giant
  • The book of love poems that Ekhale and Art found has been traded back to Sister Selka
  • Question is carrying the spell scrolls they were given by Ludy
  • Beatrice is currently in possession of the flying apparatus.
  • You found 2 griffon eggs

The next session will continue on from tide watch. - those who are not here will stay with the pilgrims, those who join new will want to witness the ascension site. Next session is on January 24 and will have a max level 5 - no min level, but recommended level 3. Per VALUE rules, you can gain a level and 10 downtime days if you want.

I don’t know exactly how many more sessions we have. I think if we continue all of it, we are about 1/3 to halfway through, though I have considered speeding some things up. So I guess I can’t really say, but I’m happy DMing this for now and will continue to do so as long as there’s players who want to play :smiley:

Thanks for playing " Pillar of the Giants - Tidewatch". I had loads of fun and hope you did too :partying_face:


The bag of devouring is T2 (rare) according to the VALUE Rules! I don’t know why I was thinking, that there would be a money limit a character can have… :man_shrugging:t2:

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@Atanen @FrozenKimchi @truecrawl @Myrm Thanks for playing at my table! You successfully completed the Tarrasque Task of Moreen Trask: the tarrasque, also referred to as “Uduzmoth the Obese” in legends is no more. Well, at least for the time being, as the great devourer of worlds can never be truly slain. Instead, it went back to where it came from, back to the earth’s core, and fell into a deep slumber. And when the time comes, it will rise again…

While it left a trail of destruction, you managed to stop it before it could devastate even more village. All those villagers you saved - they are incredibly thankful and you are regarded as local heroes.

Moreen Trask however, is angry and deeply disappointed that she is now unable to do her research, unless she finds a new way to awaken the beast…

You receive 480 GP and 10 downtime days each as well as one of the following magic items:

  • A Bag of Devouring that is linked to this particular tarrasque - anything you put into the bag will end up in its stomach.
  • A Stirring Dragon’s Wrath Weapon of your choice, carved from the tarrasque’s claws or teeth, dealing Acid, Necrotic or Force damage (the Blightspore greatsword would most likely deal Necrotic damage if you want to keep it as a VALUE-legal item).
  • A Dragonhide Belt +2 made of tarrasque hide.
  • A headband of Intellect you found on the wizard’s corpse

On the wizard’s corpse, you found not just the headband of intellect, but also a spellbook with the following spells:

  • Cantrips: mage hand, light, ray of frost
  • 1st level: alarm, find familiar, ice knife, shield
  • 2nd level: augury, borrowed knowledge, rime’s binding ice
  • 3rd level: clairvoyance, counterspell, sleet storm
  • 4th level: divination, ice storm
  • 5th level: scrying, Rary’s telepathic bond

Oh, window paste! :face_exhaling: All 4 items are great, i really don’t know what to choose! Maybe the Gucci Lacoste Larasque Bag as a weapon… :thinking: