Resolutionary V.A.L.U.E. #wordsmith

:house: location: Die Requisite, Krummgasse 1A 1030 Vienna, Austria

New info for the space:

  • Entry is only 4€ per person
  • Drinks are also 4€ each, but are not mandatory
  • Outside food and drink are welcome

We’ve also been asked that people limit gathering right outside the door as much as possible. Short smoke breaks aren’t a problem, we just don’t want to disturb the neighbors.

Post below if you are coming - all tables are open. Players of any level of experience are welcome.

Please indicate in your post:

  • Do you come to DM or play?
  • Which Tier is your game or character
  • If you are new and need some help with character creation. (If you don’t need help with character creation → make sure to read the houserules linked at the end of this post. Characters that have not been played at VALUE before can be created at level 1 or level 5, and we are still using the 2014 rules.)


  • T1 : levels 1-4
  • T2 : levels 5-10
  • T3 : levels 11-16
  • T4 : levels 17-20


:point_right: New to the Forum

:point_right: Our D&D Houserules

:point_right: V.A.L.U.E. magic item bazaar (costs each of the trading characters 5 Downtime Days)

:point_right: Discord for questions and stuff

:point_right: Code of Conduct.pdf (38.6 KB)

**UPDATE: Table is full**

I will be there to continue DMing Voyage of the Fallen Star (T1).

The party has managed to escape the Blazing Isles and is now about to land at Giants’ Spur, which is in dragon territory, searching for another piece of the Fallen Star.

Content warnings: None that I’m aware of. Like Will always says, nothing you wouldn’t see in Pirates of the Caribbean.

Preferred seating for returning players who have played within the last 3 sessions. I have 6 seats if all the players are returning players. Otherwise, the max table size is 5.

Those returning players are

Players (2+ sessions):

@Clove, @Empiotreus, @JustJules, @Watermelon, @Driow123 (also Vishous)

Players (1 session out of the last 3)

@Dreamowl, @pretender @Myrm

I have created a google doc (Voyage of the Fallen Star - Google Docs) with some summaries and background information as well table rules for those that are interested in that - it is not required reading, it mainly helps me, but there’s no harm in sharing it.

Otherwise, I will play at any table :slight_smile:


Yay! I’ll be there :star_struck:


I’ll be there!


Plans changed! I’ll join! :dizzy:


I am in!


OK time to run it back now that i am recovered pf 2e (abomination vaults ) if at least 3 people sign up, otherwise can fill in at whatever tier or table.


I won’t make it, unfortunately, but thanks for tagging me and I wish you loads of fun!


I’d love to join :))

I will be along to start up a hexcrawl with @jboimler @Mike @Tea007 @neon.tetra and @Kergy29 which is full. There will be open sessions in the coming weeks.


DMs (4)

  • katnyx :star: (Full)
  • blueblaze :compass: (5)
  • xaosseed (Full) :mag:
  • Arthilas T2 :turtle: (5)

Players (22)

  • Clove :star:
  • JustJules :star:
  • Vishous :star:
  • Watermelon :star:
  • Empiotreus :star:
  • pretender :star:
  • hatmaker :compass:
  • HamHamHanin :compass:
  • Turtlene :compass:
  • Tequila Sunset :compass:
  • polina :compass:
  • Tiero :compass:
  • jboimler :mag:
  • Mike :mag:
  • Tea007 :mag:
  • neon.tetra :mag:
  • Kergy29 :mag:
  • Atanen +1 T2 :turtle:
  • FrozenKimchi T2 :turtle:
  • truecrawl T2 :turtle:
  • Myrm :turtle:

I’d love to join! (Mrill, the cat ranger)

I see a spot open, so I challenge my luck and reserve that spot for me! I have several characters I could take, what level is the group? Low T1? High T1? Low T2 maybe?

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It’s open for now, but I did write preferred searing for returning players. If no one I tagged joins by Wednesday night, you’re in!

Party is at High T1

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Allright! :metal:t2: Then a lvl3 Artificer/Monk should still be able to fit in

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Gotta take a loooong rain check on this one, I need to turbo through this remaining semester and prepare for internship + bachelor on the next one.

Consider me on hiatus until further notice, life is beginning to hit hard :sweat_smile:


It will pay off. Good luck!

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I’ve never done Pathfinder before, but I’m interested in trying. I’d take a pregenerated character, but I might still need some help with the rules and all. Would love to join as long as that’s cool with you!

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Hi there, I’d love to jump back in as well @katnyx! A bit hard to track who is jumping into what, but if I read correctly, there should still be one spot available.

EDIT: I see that two people already jumped into the remaining two spots. By preferred seating / timing, @Atanen, hope it’s not an issue if I jump in on the spot you originally claimed. If you haven’t played for some time, and passionately want to get back into some DnD action do let me know, and happy to leave the spot for you.

Sidenote: I’ll definitely go for a one(or two) shot mini campaign sometime in the next 2 months, it’ll be lots of fun! :wink:

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sure, welcome back!