Outdoor Session: DnD at the University Campus

Hello everyone!

The exams will soon be over and I can immerse myself in the many fantasy worlds of my favourite p&p games. In order to celebrate that, I was considering running a game outside, at the university campus (I saw they have little benches and tables :chair:). The game would be a classic DnD 5e Oneshot, most likely set in a setting of my own, further information to follow.

For that I would love to have between 3-5 players to bless my table with their presence and some will to play. :partying_face: :dizzy:

I will be running the game on the 11th of July starting 18:30, the location would be at the Unicampus (Spitalgasse)! If enough people end up joining, there will be two tables, and the second one could be run by @ThatGuyTed. :tada: Yay for that!

See you there! :smiley:


Definitely!! Although I can’t get there till 18:00, if there’s room I would love to join.

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Sounds fun. Would love to be there. Please let me know when time, date and tier are all known :slight_smile:

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Sure - sounds like a good idea!

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Only the 12.07 works for me but would be interested!

Ohhh that sounds lovely! I’m in! On 11th I could be there at 18:30, on 10 and 12 my schedule is wide open :smile:

Sounds fun! Count me in if there is still space. Only the 10th doesnt work me, otherwise I am flexible!

Sounds nice :slight_smile: 11th would work for me, 12th is the regular VALUE day…

@Arthilas @Xyathn @Stracci @Jackfruitchilli @alli.b @Lux_Tenebraeque @Mexikorn Okay, hello everyone, I will run a session,it is called “Journey Through The Unknown” and will be at a solid T2! :slight_smile: Bring your adventurous characters! :tada: :smiley:

As for the details: I will be running the game on the 11th of July starting 18:30, the location in principle would be at the Unicampus (Spitalgasse), but I’ll scope out where exactly I can find the best benches! :star:

Fun Bonus: If enough people end up joining, there will be two tables, and the second one could be run by @ThatGuyTed. :tada: Yay for that!


The Swordmaiden of the Sacred Flame is at your service!

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11th of July I’m not available, but all of you have fun! <3

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Count me in if there’s space! I would love to make a character and go for the one-shot! :star_struck:

I can join as a Lizard Figther.

I’ll be there! Thank you for setting it up.

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Hello, is there space still for joining?

Feel free to do so! :slight_smile:

Hello! Yes, there will be two DMs! :star: :tada:

I’ll join! Happy to play as whatever

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What class and race is Whatever?

That one race and that other class :smile:

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