Game during this coming week?

Hey there! We are coming for a visit in Vienna and would love to play a one-shot with anyone =] most systems are welcome. IS there anything going on next week, October 23-30 that we can join?

All the best

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Usually something is going on every week. A post will come up on like Monday or Tuesday for the games on Friday (19:00PM) / Saturday (11:00AM)

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Hi @qubenpete, I also have 2 seats still open for my drop in drop out Spire campaign launch on the 30th. 2 Seats Left! - Spire Drop in/Drop out Season 1 - (1/10) Steal The Case

I can understand if you don’t like Spire or the idea of joining a first campaign session, but I’m totally open to you treating it like a one-shot as all of my sessions will be (with some recurring context) self-contained!


The Spire games are lots of fun, recommend!

I’m like 50% sure next week isn’t Oktober

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@Takanari you might be correct. I have to verify… :t_rex:

We’re leaving on Saturday Sep 30th so we can’t really play, unless it’s morning… If there’s something on the 23rd, then it might be possible.

I’ll look out for posts for friday games. Are there any weekday games going on?