Forging Legacy of RPG Vienna Together: Ideas and Volunteers Wanted!

I imagined it more casual. Would probably moderate the meeting just enough to keep the ball rolling and keep notes.

From my side would love if you could give a short opening speech about how RPG Vienna had started and progressed over the years.

BTW thought of going out for some food after the meeting in the nearby Diwan Holzkohlengrill place. Relly impressive and have some very reasonble-priced options. Lots of vegeterian options too. Not sure if they serve booze though.

Sign up here if you would like to join for after-meeting dinner. Planning to make a reservation by Friday.

Unfortunately I won’t be able to make the meeting. But you can write me on Discord or in the forum if you need something from me :slight_smile: (design, website, whatever).


I will be there to listen and get an idea what this is about, just returned to the forum after a view years inactivity

everyone is welcome!

super tired :sleeping: … still not sure if I can make it
(“classic” weekend blues)

useful links:

:point_right: Vereinsgesetz (2002) [-> Rechtsinformationssystem des Bundes]

:point_right: Vereinswesen [-> Digitales Amt Östereich]

:point_right: Vereins-Gründungsvorgang [-> Bundesministerium für Inneres]

:point_right: Vereine & Steuern [-> Bundesministerium für Finanzen; PDF]

:point_right: Vereine und Registrierkassen [-> Bundesministerium für Finanzen; PDF]

:point_right: Vereinsakademie [-> a Verein that org. lectures/workshops on how to start & esp. run a Verein]

(all links are in German)

a few of the folks want to start a Verein
this is about helping them how not to get lost (esp. in accounting) and tell them about what to take care of … esp. if you have started/run a Verein yourself

there had been the idea to Verein-size RPGVienna in general started by 2 people … but (at least) I think that this thought had been buried unless we at least x20 :person_shrugging: the numbers of our regulars
note: we are ~16 regulars right now

mostly this is hanging out with @AmLash (who will be late) and @Neil though

Sadly something came up, so I can’t make it :frowning:

I orobably cant make it either. Honestly we should consider postponing the meeting for today considering how many people cant make it. Even though its short notice :frowning:


There’s a delightful street performer festival today that shall require my undivided attention, so I also won’t be joining today. Have fun!

Also, Darth, I thought the whole Verein business was off the table?

To give a little spoiler on what the NotRD group has been discussing. We decided not to move forward with Vereinization. We want to try and host more events such as the last but until it has grown in size so that a Verein actually becomes necessary we scrap the idea.

If nothing else, I will be along to meet the elusive Neil!

The meeting is still on. I definitely looking forward to chat with all of you :slight_smile:

We can certainly arrange more meetings in the future if there’s interest. Would not be such a bad idea to have non-gaming/organisational meetups on a regular basis even :thinking:

I wont be able to make it either, friend needs help with party prep, sorry.

I’m going to be late with the key. My apologies

I thought they wanted start their side project
e.g. Night-of-the-Rolling Dice
and there they could Vereini-size that if they really wanted to

also my initial plan was to tell / show, what kind of accounting is involved, should you actually wanna “give money” to members
(since that has been brought up before)

was too tired anyway
… just returned home from shopping :ice_cream:

sure … why not :slight_smile:

sadly my free time is kinda scarce
so if possible I would rather use mine to run games
… or do Karaoke :studio_microphone:

but maybe I am lucky :four_leaf_clover: and can make it another time

Had a great time! Was really cool to meet everyone.
@SilentButDeadly thanks a lot for moderating the discussion and keeping us all on track.

@cat4laugh cheers for being a legend and covering my beers in the last bar :smile:

We’ll get a summary up soon on what we talked about. Looking forward to the next one!


It was a lovely time, it was great to finally see you in person!

Very excited for what the future holds :slight_smile: thanks to everyone for taking the time to think about how to improve things


It was our pleasure Neil! Thanks all for coming and active participation! :two_hearts:

Got my notes+ ones from Will. Hope I will find time today/tomorrow to process those :crossed_fingers:

@SilentButDeadly if you could get those notes typed up it’d be great. While it’s still fresh in our minds :blush:

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