Exquisite Requisite VALUE

:house: location: Die Requisite, Krummgasse 1A 1030 Vienna, Austria

New info for the space:

  • Entry is only 4€ per person
  • Drinks are also 4€ each, but are not mandatory
  • Outside food and drink are welcome
  • Please throw away your trash when you leave and return any glasses to the kitchen.

We’ve also been asked that people limit gathering right outside the door as much as possible. Short smoke breaks aren’t a problem, we just don’t want to disturb the neighbors.

Post below if you are coming - all tables are open. Players of any level of experience are welcome.

Please indicate in your post:

  • Do you come to DM or play?
  • Which Tier is your game or character
  • If you are new
  • and need some help with character creation. (If you don’t need help with character creation → make sure to read the houserules linked at the end of this post. Characters that have not been played at VALUE before can be created at level 1 or level 5, and we are still using the 2014 rules.)


  • T1 : levels 1-4
  • T2 : levels 5-10
  • T3 : levels 11-16
  • T4 : levels 17-20


:point_right: New to the Forum

:point_right: Our D&D Houserules

:point_right: V.A.L.U.E. magic item bazaar (costs each of the trading characters 5 Downtime Days)

:point_right: Discord for questions and stuff

:point_right: Code of Conduct.pdf (38.6 KB)

I would be interested in playing T1-T3 or Salvage Union, if available!

It’s looking really crowded over here already, so I am willing to chip in :smiley:

I’d like to play at a T1-T3 table.

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I will be along to continue hexcrawling with @Tea007 @jboimler @Mike @neon.tetra and @Col_Mustard_Ret which makes a full table.


I will be running the pathfinder game for this week, feel free to bring any level 2 character


if you lack players - at WoWKeepers there is (so far) one player that wants to try out non 5E stuff :slight_smile:

Hi @gnak , guess this week I will finally try pathfinder as a player, count me in :slight_smile:

I would have a lvl2 Monk :thinking: Please reserve 2 seats please, one for @truecrawl and one for myself!

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I’ll join too, depending on where it makes sense either DND or pf. (T3 DND preferred)

ill join too :smile_cat:

Will be there too for T2+ :wink:

I’d love to join PF once again this week :3

Just for the overview:


  • xaoseed - Hexcrawl :footprints: - full 5/5
  • gnak - Pathfinder :compass: 6/6?


  • Tea007 :footprints:
  • jboimler :footprints:
  • Mike :footprints:
  • neon.tetra :footprints:
  • Col_Mustard_Ret :footprints:
  • krakentoa :compass:
  • Takanari :compass: or D&D ~T3
  • polina :compass:
  • Tiero :compass:
  • truecrawl :compass: might join T2-T3 with Atanen, as far as I know if necessary
  • Atanen :compass: or as plan B T2-T3?
  • Arthilas T2< :four_leaf_clover:

(It seems we might be one table short here!)

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The +1 from WOWKeepers has found a table I believe

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Thank you! :pray:t2:

Alright, people. I will be pathfinding this evening, that much is clear.

Also, I do not believe it helps to simply state the Tier of Adventure. Help everyone by stating what you want: forest adventure, high-magic setting, a break-in with an epiphany at the end, etc. I seriously think, that would help the potential DMs :slight_smile:

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I‘ll be there for pf :))

Is there room for me? I might be late

Personally I’m quite happy someone is willing to DM and so I’ll play to their preferences. But I do like it when the story could inspire an Iron Maiden videoclip.


Which edition btw?