Drinks, conversation, and ... Space Station

If it makes things easier with changing personnel, I could help out by running a one-shot next week.

Thing is, Tam is going away for a few weeks afterwards, so we wanted to advance the campaign a bit before hand…

That’s cool, Simon - just offering.

the more the merrier, i think…

Simon, is the same true for me? I.e. will I start as a squire, since I intend to stay on longer for this campaign? If so, how fun! :smiley:
(now I know what you guys meant when you suggested I could be one of the other player character’s squire^^ didnt understand it at the time, but makes perfect sense now)

-H-, are you in the Pendragon campaign as well? (And on a related, but more self-interested note, do you have interest in joining up for Dogs too? [if and when that happens, we didnt make any characters last time, as there was no time left after all, but we could start as soon as Pendragon goes on its forced Tam-is-absent hiatus. Tam, no worries though, you can always join up later for Dogs, that’s totally never a problem in that game!]

Also, did we already agree on a date for next week? Will Thursday be alright again? I need to tell them at work when I’m gonna be gone early, y’know :wink:

Yep. Being knighted is supposed to be a major event, so, if your character is here to stay, I’d rather make it memorable (the current players got a quick promotion on the side of the battlefield).
On the other hand, if your character is only going to show up once, it seems better to skip the build-up of squiring and give him the full rights and priviledge of a knight…

ok, squire it is for me, then!

Yep, we already confirmed Thursday when we finished last week, right?


See you on Thursday!!

nice, see you then! :smiley:

Hey folks,
the cinema in the Lugner City mall has a summer special going on. All movies (even 3D) for 5€ till the end of this month!! :open_mouth: Anyone interested in watching Pacific Rim next week or so?

Depending on the day, I’d be interested!
Keep in mind that the U6 won’t stop at Burggasse Stadthalle in one direction for another couple of weeks though. Link

See you guys tonight, 19h30 at Spielbar. I prepared a couple of new character sheets, a knight and a squire to use.

Bleah, real life keeps intruding. Consider me doubtful for tonight, and don’t wait on me if I don’t show up…

Sorry, gang.

So, Auburney, as we discussed yesterday, your home manor would be Baverstock, I do not believe any of the current players have already claimed it…

Sadly, I will probably have to call it pass on Dogs, sorry.

Also, H, do you still want to DM Mutants and Masterminds? I was thinking about running a one-shot of the thing, but only if you are not planning on running the game yourself at some point in the near future…

Thank you for having me :slight_smile:

That was a fun session!

Next week 7.30 pm on Thursday: Dogs in the Vineyard… right? What’s up with you Simon? Not interested or no time?

Well, it’s a bit silly, but I don’t think I’d be able to enjoy the game…

Er, yes, although that probably depends on your definition of “near future.” Since playing With Great Power and reading a bit more superhero stuff, I’m finding myself rethinking what I’m looking for in that genre. But basically, yes, although I certainly don’t want to stand in the way of anybody running any game they like.

I probably can’t make it this Thursday, unfortunately, although I’d be up for something earlier in the week if anybody’s interested.

Fair enough.

For some reason, I am reluctant to start it if you are going to run your own version of the game… On the other hand, that’d give us the opportunity to get familiar with the rules when the time comes…