Drinks, conversation, and ... Space Station

Well, it might actually be horror-ish. I am not very goid at horror… But Thursday 19h39, Spielbar?


Sorry guys, not looking promising for Thursday. Have fun, and see you next week!

Well, it’s going to be a short session anyway. I am going to improvise it all after all. Also, I could not sleep last night so I’d rather not stay too late…

back in town! :smiley:

so, how’s it looking for next week? Should I keep Thursday free? Or would Wednesday be better for most of you?

Either would work for me…

Same here

Thursday works for me…wednesday probably doesn’t

Same here! Phew, what a hot weekend… From the looks of my plants in my apartment i guess it was the same in Vienna :wink:

Thursday works. Usual place and time? Btw: did we switch the usual time to 19.30 pm now?

Thursday is gonna be my get-off-work-early day then! :smiley:

and yeah I get the same feeling the usual time has been drifting a bit :wink: no problem with that, though, as long as it means everyone can arrive more comfortably

And also: What we gonna do on Thursday, then? Finish up the Ogres at the farmhouse, then see if there is time left for some Pendragon? (Since Tom made it sound like maybe the rest of the Goblins adventure would not fill an entire session perhaps)

There is not much left…but it depends on the starting time and the group. It could be over in another hour or take 2 -3 hours*, but I doubt it. So either we call it a day afterwards or play another game…improv, pendragon, …?

*…including our regular irregular meet up at 7.30 which means 8.00+, some breaks and the occasional ‘what kind of creature is that?!’

yeah, you’re right - we shouldnt count on too much time remaining…

but just in case, how’s about we could make some Dogs characters if and when time remains on thursday? That’s something I’d like to do as a group anyways, and that way it wouldn’t eat up a whole session all of itself… In case there is interest in that? :wink:

I’m game!

You bet!


Hi all, looks like I might not be able to make it this week. But hey, I’m dead anyway, so no harm done. Have fun, and catch you next time.

You could come back - that’s not a problem :wink:


could i join you guys next week?
(it seems that all my rpg groups are on a hiatus now ^^)

greetings from Switzerland

Sure thing.
I shall be DMing Pendragon. Would you be interested in joining the campaign or would it be a one time deal?
If you’d like to join the campaign, it would be as a squire, that way we can find a worthy occasion to knight you. If it is a one time shot, you’d join as a full fledged knight…

[quote=“Simon”]Sure thing.
I shall be DMing Pendragon. Would you be interested in joining the campaign or would it be a one time deal?
If you’d like to join the campaign, it would be as a squire, that way we can find a worthy occasion to knight you. If it is a one time shot, you’d join as a full fledged knight…[/quote]

it will just be a one time thing
but you can give me any charakter you like

My “primary objective” is just to say hello and share some drinks : )