Drinks, conversation, and Action Castle

The reason we do it elsewhere is because it was getting a bit noisy at Plutzerbräu last time. We’re looking for a quiter atmosphere.

But don’t worry about the game already having started, though, there is yet an opening for (at least) one more character to join.

In fact, our pilot-type guy was not present last session (not enough players were there to play all of the pre-made chars).
But we’re in dire need of a good pilot!, and we already retconned his absence to “having hidden himself onboard the ship when we others got captured and imprisoned” (as that was how the first session started)

By now, we’ve escaped our prison on the Imperial Warship , and managed to get to our own vessel and flee with it. But our captain is wounded and it appears no one else can fly the damn thing!

On top of that, we expect to be shot at any moment now, and will have to navigate through a dangerous asteroid field later, from what it looks like :smiley:

So yeah, having a pilot type guy crawl out from one of the hidden compartments of our ship (“the Owl”, a small smuggler’s vessel) and go “oh, there you guys are, let’s get going then!” would be ace right now! :slight_smile:

Either way, I really look forward to continue this! It’s been an awesome game so far :slight_smile:

aye, indeed. We need somebody to fly like a leaf in the wind if we’re gonna have any shot at escaping!

I might join in, depending when I get off work.

Really looking forward to see you people again tomorrow! 19.00 at Spielbar, right? Reservation is for “Blackbird” again I suppose? :wink:

@GSoft and AmLash
Don’t worry. It’s really easy to join in the game and Auburney is correct: The crew could use a badass pilot right now. And there’ll be plenty of possibilities to introduce even another character.

Same here!

yeah, “Blackbird” it is :slight_smile:

c u there!

so, Spielbar it is? :slight_smile:

yes, Spielbar it is!

(if none of you mind and/or have found an even better option, that is)

OMW now. I know you guys are reading from your phones ^^

5-10 min late :frowning:

Thanks to everyone for a very fun evening.

Another great session (just barely) survived! :smiley:

edit: oh, for all interested: please check out this new thread I just started.
It should help us keep an overview of things as they develop, hopefully ^^

Hey! Another fun night indeed!

Is it possible to edit my previous entries in doodle? Looks like I can only add a new profile… or register a new account.

[quote=“Auburney”]edit: oh, for all interested: please check out this new thread I just started.
It should help us keep an overview of things as they develop, hopefully ^^[/quote]
Sweet! :smiley:

A menu should appear on the left side of the label when you place the cursor on your name. Then just click on the pencil

Ha. Now on my laptop it works. Thanks. For some reason my Touchpad wouldn’t allow me to do anything earlier…

Hm, looks like everyone except for Kaylossus, GJSoft and AmLash has filled out the doodle. All the others seem to have time on Monday so far.
I shall make a reservation at Spielbar again (just in case), but this time the other tables, alright?

Kay, GJ Soft and Amlash, are you cool with Monday? :slight_smile:

As I said, I can’t commit to a regular meeting, so please don’t count me in.

I’m really sorry, I’ve been sick (again) the last few days, and I really need to catch up with my work for a bit. So I’ll have to skip next monday. I should be cool again after that.

Yeah sry, forgot about the doodle. Basically, modays should always work for me.

Alright, thanks for the quick replies, everyone! :slight_smile:

That seems to leave the question being: Alrik, do you still wanna go for Monday, it Amlash and Kaylossus both can’t make it?

We could always say the captain is passed out from too much drink or something? :wink: