D'n'D 5E - Barbarians and Clerics Campaign

I hope work was not too hard this morning… :confused:

Nah, it was fine. I didn’t drop anything and I got to leave half an hour early which is always nice.


Alright, so, as discussed on Whadsapp, I have to teach until 20:00 tomorrow and Wednesday. So, our next game will be on Friday…

Thanks for the info!
(and keep it up with energy… it seem you have a busy week)

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Alright, I updated the Doodle…

Max can’t make it this Friday, so, if we can find a convenient date when we can all make it, we will reschedule for then… If no such convenient date is available (Krampus season tend to be busy), we might need to play with an incomplete roster…

@Lade, are you not available after this week or is it the doodle not being completed? I am not sure what it says…

Yes it wasn’t completed, because I couldn’t make it work properly, but yes I won’t be available next week except for thursday, because my parents will be in town.

Sorry for the missunderstanding

No problem, I just saw the whole line red and was wondering if you had not fill it or if you were going to be out of town and taking early holidays…

Alright, looking at the Doodle, I would suggest to still have the game Friday, even without Max as the week after that is not really good…

What do you guys think?

Ok, then, next time…

I’d opt for playing tonight, simply because at least tonight most of us should be around here, but during the rest of december we might run into schelduing problems and might be difficult to get everybody on board untill next year.

Where’s everyone?

So it seems, this game is postponed. See you then at the next game! (Or next Thursday in Spielbar)

So, here is the new Doodle!


Hey guys, thanks for your message @Simon and @Parsley (I ran out of credit on my phone so this is the easiest way currently for me to respond).
Wednesday Asian Restaurant (near the spielbar, where we`ve already played once, I assume) fits perfectly for me as well.

See you on Wednesday!


See you there/then!

So, there is a new AoE cantrip for clerics. It is called “Word of radiance”. It’s a 5 feet area around the Carter. Select targets and they must make a Con save or take 1d6 radiant damage (increases to 2d6 at 5th level and so on…)

Happy new year to fellow barbarians/clerics/spellcasters and game masters (as some of you act as GM in other games, by my best knowledge)!

I hope you were able to recover from the new year parties and exams and are interested about some dungeon-dwelling, monster saving/slaying and finding new books (and animals, depending on beliefs).
@Simon, will you set up a doodle?

Also, due to legal issues I can’t really change my mobile tariff and thus, I still can’t reach whatsapp around untill the middle of the year. In case if you agree on something in that group, please relay that to me here or as sms/call. Thanks!



No problem. I am back in Vienna since Friday night. And I am planning on getting a new Doodle up to schedule the next game this evening

Doodle link time!
