Complete noob interested in learning

Hi my name is Audrey. I am 31, and come from California. I have been wanting to play DnD for a long time now, but haven’t had anybody to get into it with. I knew some dudes back in the day that were into RPG, but they wouldnt let me play, so yeah. Since I have been living in Vienna I have thought about playing and then today I saw this:


Which of course looks like the kind of fun that I am trying to get it on. So what say you? Is anybody willing to show me the ropes? We’re talking completely starting from square one with me, but I pick up on stuff fast if that’s any consolation. I just really want to play!

Welcome Audrey!

Nice to have a noob in the forum! :wink:

If you are willing to wait a bit, or if you haven’t found a group by then, I want to start GM’ing after the holidays, around January. We’d play Pathfinder, which is basically D&D 3.75.

Welcome! I hope you find a group soon!

Wow, thanks for the responses! I would love to get in on the action. I will for sure keep checking in. I know this is a pretty small forum with just about everybody already in full groups- but it would be rad to to be able to join in. I just figured nobody would really want to take the time to show me how to play, but maybe I would get lucky. I mean you all had to start somewhere right? So I will keep my eyes on the horizon for January. In the meantime, I will try and learn what I can on my own.


If you’d like to dip your toe in the water before jumping in, a few of us will be playing a little game called Action Castle at Plutzterbräu tomorrow at 7 pm. It’s not exactly a role-playing game, call it a proto-RPG, perhaps. In any case, it’s generally good fun.

One session only, no lengthy commitment. You’re more than welcome to join, if you’re interested.

Teaching is absolutely no problem and in fact, quite rewarding in itself. Alas, the group I play with is currently full. Although, if the players are ok with it, in particular the one whose apartement is sheltering us, you could join us for the occasional game…

There’s two things with the ‘learning how to play’-issue:

1 - Know the rules. At least those you need during the game.
(Not by heart, but in general. For DnD/Pathfinder thats simply: Attack rolls and pretty much any check is rolled by 1d20+appropriate bonus, only damage rolls and hitpoints use the other dice (save some miscellaneous rolls))
The other rules for making a character and such come later.
But reminding a player every round that he has to use his D20 for the attack roll becomes boring quick.

2 - Think as if you were the character during the game.
For some that’s easy as slipping on a pair of gloves, for some it’s more like a space-suit that you need hours to get in and it doesn’t really fit at the end.
Not something you can learn easily. Just do your best and have fun.

Not even, I’d say. The badic is easilly covered for a D20 style game: “roll a D20 and add your skill”. The next part is to know your way around your character sheet. Ideally, build yours woth the DM, or, at worse, have the DM fill one for you.
Bring a set of colour pencil and when each time you use an important stat (an action you are likely to do again, mark it so that you find it more easilly next time… The rest of the rules, you’ll learn soon enough by playing …

[quote=“Frazzlerunning”]There’s two things with the ‘learning how to play’-issue:

1 - Know the rules. At least those you need during the game.
(Not by heart, but in general. For DnD/Pathfinder thats simply: Attack rolls and pretty much any check is rolled by 1d20+appropriate bonus, only damage rolls and hitpoints use the other dice (save some miscellaneous rolls))
The other rules for making a character and such come later.
But reminding a player every round that he has to use his D20 for the attack roll becomes boring quick.

2 - Think as if you were the character during the game.
For some that’s easy as slipping on a pair of gloves, for some it’s more like a space-suit that you need hours to get in and it doesn’t really fit at the end.
Not something you can learn easily. Just do your best and have fun.[/quote]
sounds like I have some learning to do…How easy is it just to jump in without any previous knowledge of the game as long as you know these ground rules?

[quote=“Simon”]Not even, I’d say. The badic is easilly covered for a D20 style game: “roll a D20 and add your skill”. The next part is to know your way around your character sheet. Ideally, build yours woth the DM, or, at worse, have the DM fill one for you.
Bring a set of colour pencil and when each time you use an important stat (an action you are likely to do again, mark it so that you find it more easilly next time… The rest of the rules, you’ll learn soon enough by playing …[/quote]
Thanks Simon for the invite and for the tips…I didnt catch your first invite and am already full up schedule wise this weekend, but if you guys have something going on next weekend I would come :slight_smile:


If you’d like to dip your toe in the water before jumping in, a few of us will be playing a little game called Action Castle at Plutzterbräu tomorrow at 7 pm. It’s not exactly a role-playing game, call it a proto-RPG, perhaps. In any case, it’s generally good fun.

One session only, no lengthy commitment. You’re more than welcome to join, if you’re interested.[/quote]
Sorry I missed it, but I was working…thank you for the invitation.

[quote=“Hexerei”][quote=“Simon”]Not even, I’d say. The badic is easilly covered for a D20 style game: “roll a D20 and add your skill”. The next part is to know your way around your character sheet. Ideally, build yours woth the DM, or, at worse, have the DM fill one for you.
Bring a set of colour pencil and when each time you use an important stat (an action you are likely to do again, mark it so that you find it more easilly next time… The rest of the rules, you’ll learn soon enough by playing …[/quote]
Thanks Simon for the invite and for the tips…I didnt catch your first invite and am already full up schedule wise this weekend, but if you guys have something going on next weekend I would come :slight_smile:[/quote]

Next week should work too, yes.

In fact, we’ll probably start playing a bit later, which could allow us to sit down before the game and make your character together…
I’d prefer it that way as you’d know your character better that way and, more importantly, it would really be yours…
And, of course, that’s always a good opportunity for a quick overview of the basic rules and to answer any questions…

So… See you soon.

And if you are bored until then…
Your video reminded me of this series.
It is 4th Edition rather than 3.5der but apart from that, it is pretty close from what we play, both in term of party size and the use of battlemaps…

Also, Siobhan made this amazing wiki, if you have time to browse, it’s a good place to get familiar with “the story so far”…

sounds like I have some learning to do…How easy is it just to jump in without any previous knowledge of the game as long as you know these ground rules?[/quote]
It’s not all that much learning, most of it you get with gaming.

I’d recommend getting together with the GM before the first session, to make your character together. He should tell you what you’d need most of the time during gaming.
You should be good by then, if you don’t play a spell caster.

Meh, classic spell casters (wizard, sorcerers, cleric even) are only marginally more complicated, I’d say, you just need to write down (or preferentially print out) the spell descriptions…

Wizards and Clerics are hard for beginners. Both classes get all the 0 and 1st level spells, but have to decide each day, which ones they might need.

Sorcerers are a bit easier, they only get a handful of spells, that a player has to know.

Still, fighting types and half-casters are the things I’d recommend for a beginner.

That’s fair enough… I guess, a wizard or cleric would need to discuss with the rest of the party what spells to prepare every morning… at least until hir has used them enough to be familiar and make hir own choice…

Rogues are really the best always. For beginners AND experienced players.

Damn, because I am actually have already deciced on Arcane Sorcerer…because I want the freedom to cast spells I know, but have the added bonus of a familiar. I want an owl. I was already thinking I was going to have to print out the spell lists so I am cool with that. I wanted some sort of animal companion, and since I wasn’t so hip on being a druid this is the next best thing. Although Arcane Sorcerer isn’t the coolest choice from all the sorcerers, it seems to be the one that speaks most to me.

He, don’t diss the arcane!
Well, I believe they come with with identify with his great to “unwrap the presents”. Celestial is pretty cool too as they come with a low level healing that is RARE in arcane casters…

Of course, it’s always possible to take a lebel of Wizard or Druid and get your pet that way…

I notice an Arcane Sorcerer bro right here.