Bier & brezel gamingcon

Paradice has invited us to take part in the Bier and Brezel gaming con.

They are organizing the event together with Siren games and a bunch of other Clubs.

  • They would offer us two tables next to the bar to play at a cost of around 72€

    • Which we would probably evenly split between the dms and the players. Around 5-6 bucks per person
  • Playtime is from around 12-22

They want use to confirm our attendance by the end of next week if you are interested in coming please let me know.

I would personally absolutely go since it sounds like fun and not too much of a cost.

[You can find the event PDF here]


I can consume neither Beer nor Brezel but it sounds fun otherwise. Count me in.

I’m interested too. Do we play D&D there or board games?

sounds like fun, I’m in!

Definitely not going to miss out on this. Count me in.

What’s the program look like?

" 1. ### Konura Today at 15:29

Wie ihr möchtet, ihr könnt selber spielen oder schauen, ob ihr neue Mitglieder findet, da nebenbei die Biertage ab 16 Uhr sind, werden vermutlich auch ein paar Besucher vorbeikommen

  1. [15:29]

Es ist ein offenes Event mit verschiedenen Vereinen vor Ort"


So currently 5 people signed up

Edit: 9 People as of 17.7

Edit: 10 people as of 18.7. maybe 11?

I’m in!

Sounds amazing, unfortunately I can’t make it due to other commitments. I hope this becomes a success and is repeated

I can make it, so sign me up

Awww, would have loved to be there, but am out of town then Q.Q

Hey hey! @ThatGuyTed and I would love to join. :+1: :partying_face:

I’ll gladly join :beer:

Sadly I’m out of town else I would loved to join.

Ill probably be there though its too far ahead in time to say for sure.

For now, I will be calculating with 10 people, that’s around 7 bucks per person. If everyone is okay with that, I’d give them the okay tomorrow!


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