Beginner lfg Pathfinder

I’ve reserved us a table under ‘Pathfinder 101’ at Spielbar, tomorrow, 19:30,
See ya there!

Cool. Thx a lot :slight_smile:
I’d take a pregen too btw :blush:

Yeah thanks from me too and a pregen would be great :smiley:

You won’t be joining the rest of us in the way back??!! There’s only one game tonight, H is running for 6 players. A thought that gives me the shudders, but he pulls off on a regular basis.

Just out of curiosity, how long do these sessions usually last? I’m only asking because I have an early shift on friday.

in my experience we’re usually done by 23:30, especially considering most if not all of us have to get home by public transport anyways :smiley:

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Okay great that should work :smiley:

Erm. I find I’m usually leaving by ~23:15 or 23:30. And that’s without staying to hang out after the games. Public transport is pretty easy for me though. And start time is also a factor. We want to start the evening at 19:00, 19:30 at the latest. We often end up starting the evening at 20:00.

The table in the back was already taken when I called yesterday, so if it wasn’t you guys then someone will already be there tonight. We got another table nearby though for our little PF intro.

This depends on a couple of factors. I’m going to give you an introduction to Pathfinder (“What can I do?”, “What does this stuff on my character sheet mean?” and the best “What the hell is this game anyway?”). And then we’ll have a short adventure.
So it’ll depend on how fast we get through the explanation and how much time you guys spend on things ingame.
New groups tend to be more chaotic but I think we will get through it in one session. If not we wcan and it even before 23:30.

See you guys later!

They always automatically reserve the whole way-back for RPG Vienna on Thursdays. That’s why. There’s only one group tonight, but it’s 5-6 players +GM, so if we take the big table, y’all can push the smaller tables together, and we can listen in on each other.

I say 5-6, because I am not 100% sure if I’ll be there yet. Waiting on ibuprofen to work its magic.

was a fun evening, i enjoyed playing the drunk (stinking) dwarf :stuck_out_tongue:
now i’m dead tired at work, in short: worth it :smiley:

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Incidentally, just in case anyone caught the Pathfinder bug, a friend of mine is looking to sell his copy of the core rules (German) for cheap. Inner Sea, too (English), which is a pretty fun book. Just drop me a line if interested, and happy pathfinding!

This week the second group is up for Pathfinder 101. Since some time has passed I just wanted to ask if you (@BSBSTK + friend, @Siobhan, @Simon, @BUprof) are still up for it.

Sure. That’d be Thursday, then

Yes, I’ll get us a table @Spielbar.

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Anything I need to bring?
Make my own char?

Dice :smiley:

If you want to but it’s not necessary. I made pregens.

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Any restrcition if I make my own?


2nd level
15 point point buy
Max HP
Avg wealth, so 1000 gp
Up to one character trait but you need a flaw if you pick one.
Only core classes
If you create characters and got any questions, just ask!
Also pls send me your character sheet when you’re done (earlier than Thursday if possible)

The pregens are not regular random generic pregens though.
They all work differently and are supposed to show the players different styles of how to play the game.