An evening of TTRPGs

. Please also check out wowkeepers!**

:house: location: Die Requisite, Krummgasse 1A 1030 Vienna, Austria

New info for the space:

  • Entry is only 4€ per person
  • Space for 6-7 tables, chairs galore
  • Drinks are also 4€ each, but are not mandatory
  • Outside food and drink are welcome

We’ve also been asked that people limit gathering right outside the door as much as possible. Short smoke breaks aren’t a problem, we just don’t want to disturb the neighbors.

Post below if you are coming - all tables are open. Players of any level of experience are welcome.

Please indicate in your post:

  • Do you come to DM or play?
  • Which Tier is your game or character


  • T1 : levels 1-4
  • T2 : levels 5-10
  • T3 : levels 11-16
  • T4 : levels 17-20


:point_right: New to the Forum

:point_right: Our D&D Houserules

:point_right: V.A.L.U.E. magic item bazaar (costs each of the trading characters 5 Downtime Days)

:point_right: Discord for questions and stuff

:point_right: Code of Conduct.pdf (38.6 KB)

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I will be there to DM a T2 called there be dragons, where the party has to resolve an issue with a white dragon they have met before (they should decide for themselves how they know the dragon)

3-5 players

table rules

Table Rules katnyx - Google Docs

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After today? Count me in! :cowboy_hat_face: (Both tiers but preferably t2)

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Will be there to play :slight_smile:

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will be there to to either play or bring a varied selection of games to run depending on demand,

  • pathfinder 2e (abomination vault)

  • dnd (any tier )


I’ll be be there to join a table with space

Up for pf2, otherwise any value t1-3

I might join. I’m interested in T1 or T2

Up for PF2

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DMs (3)

  • blueblaze (Pathfinder :compass: ) (3/?)
  • katnyx (T2) :dragon: (4/5)
  • vishous (T1) :mage:

Potential DMs

  • Truecrawl
  • jboimler (T1)

Players (15-16)

  • FrozenKimchi :dragon:
  • Atanen +1 :dragon:
  • Burek :compass:
  • aiouh :compass:
  • Murderbento :dragon: :
  • Blueblaze’s +1 :compass:
  • Martin
  • RawEggwhite
  • Turtlene T1-T2
  • Polina T2
  • Shocker (T2+)
  • Arthilas T2+
  • hatmaker T2

Heyo people. I may want to attend and either play or DM something - I’m still undecided. Hope you’re all doing great, though. Have a merry Christmas.

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Not 100% certain, but unless something comes up, I’ll be there to play T1 or T2–whatever most people prefer. (I’ll update as soon as possible if I have to cancel, of course.)

i’ll be there for any tier (but preferably t2) :smile_cat:

Wish I could join for PF2 but my schedule just doesn’t allow it

I’m keen to join. Happy with either T1 or T2. However, I forgot my dice set and figure in Australia. Any chance I can borrow a dice set from anyone? If not I can use the app - no probs.

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Welcome! There are usually plenty of people with extra dice :slight_smile:

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I’d like to join any table that’s T2 and above!

I don’t know yet if I can attend, but I would like to reserve a seat for myself (T1 or T2, doesn’t matter)!

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I’ll also be there for any table T2 and above, can play T1 in a pinch too.

I’m going to say, for the record, that I am cooking something up which I hopefully finish by Friday. I’d like to make a rerun of “Absolute Lunacy” but improve it from the last time I ran that adventure.

If I’m satisfied with it, I’ll DM, if not I will be a player and try a class I mostly don’t go for.