AL Friday @ 1070 - adventure time! :P

Meeting place is Cafe 1070 @ burggasse 68, 1070 vienna

If you plan on being there please announce yourself and tell us what you are bringing, so if you plan to DM please tell us what Tier of adventure it will be, if you plan on playing what Tier of character it will be (T1: level 1-4, T2: level 5-10, T3: level 11-16, T4: level 17-20)

For new players: you can either create a character according to the ALPG found here , be there early so one of the more experienced players/DMs can help you create one of your own

I plan on running a nice little T1 adventure in the jungles of chult, might bring my T1 and T2 characters in case we have too many DMs (not that that has happened too often :smiley: )

Betty and me are coming with t1characters (lvl1 both).

Coming to play with a t1 lvl 1

planing on coming and would prefer to play T1(lvl1) but i am also bringing my T2 (lvl5) and a T1 adventure since i didnt have to run anything last week.

Coming with T2 (level 5) character. Would love to continue HotDQ :slight_smile:

I’m in as usual, ToA table…T2 (lvl 10)

Be here with my T2 Lvl5 Ranger :slight_smile: HotDQ?

I’ll join with a Tier 2 character :slight_smile: or a tier 1 :smile:

I am gonna bring a new T1 character. Let´s see how long he will survive. :smiley:

The usual - coming to play with T1 or T2, will prepare a T1 adventure in case it’s needed.

I’d like to come as a player. Bringing my T2 (lvl 5) character and a new T1 (lvl 1).

I’ll be there with a T1 (lvl1) and T2 (lvl6).

I will not be there so no ToA this week

Ok, I will bring then also a T1 4lvl character, just in case

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Sorry for not posting sooner. I am going to DM HotDQ, looking forward to seeing you again.

The adventure is Lvl 1 to 7 but you can finish it as long as you haven’t switched to a different HC after lvl 7.

since there is no toa this week I will join with a fresh t1 lvl 1 character

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I will bring a t1 character.

Guess i’m bringing a new t1 character too

My friend will be there as well, with a T1 Lvl2 Bard :slight_smile:

I sadly cannot make it tonight. Sry