Simply curious, which boardgames people who play dnd are interested in?
I’ll start, although I’mnew to dnd. I really like Munchkin, Betrayal in the House on the Hill, Mansions of Madness and Arkham horror, Game of Thrones, Merchants and Marauders, Werewolf of course, Ticket to ride, 5 Minute Dungeon, Hero Quest, 7 Wonders and some others…
And i find Catan super boring
I’ve been playing chess in a club for years and am currently ranked as Austria’s best Scrabble player. Also, I love playing classic games like Carcassonne, Monopoly/DKT, Ticket to Ride, Trivial Pursuit or Clue.
Oh yeah, and card games too, particularly Bridge, which I am playing regularly at tournaments. And of course the occasional round of Uno, Wizards or Durak with friends for fun
My City, Inis, Carcassone and Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective are the big box ones - we got through Pandemic Legacy season one back before the real one too.
Most of our play is actually smaller stuff like Parade and Oink games like Deep Sea Adventure, Scout, Startups.
I play far more RPGs than boardgames these days, still …
INIS (area-control) is also one of my all time fav.
Star Wars: Rebellion (2player area-control/bluffing) we like so much, that we have the game +expansion twice, so we can play it indif. in which country we are
Legacy of Dragonhold (coop CYOA) we also have twice
Sentinels of the Multiverse (coop cards) is the most played board game in my old circle of nerds
other notable mentions: Twilight Imperium (diplomacy/area-control), Azul (tile-laying), Raiders of the North Sea (worker-placement), Spirit Island (coop area-control), Codenames (party-game), Magic-Maze (party-game)