Weekly game at Spielbar 17th of July

Place: Spielbar, Lederergasse 26
Time: 19:00

Who is DMing what?
Who is coming?
Where will you be playing?

I won’t be summarizing from now on, as it might be confusing for others to read the thread.

Well, I got the starter kit from PH, so, as mentioned, I could DN the starter adventure for D&D 5th.
Alternatively, I could DM a game of Pendragon.

Whatever you guys prefer.

Both sound great. Count me in.

I again have a number of things I’d like to run if there’s an open table, although I’d happily make way for others. Then again, it looks like we might be heading for three-table territory anyway …

Never played Pendragon. Anyway D&D would be great. Most likely I’ll bring a friend along this time.

I’m free as far as I’m aware. H what are you considering running?

Grimm? Marvel Super Heroes? D&D? Call of Cthulhu? Blowback?

As with Simon, there are a bunch of things bouncing around my head. It depends, at least in part, on who is going to be playing.

(And again, I’m just throwing this out there as an option. I’d be happy to sit back and leave the DMing to somebody else.)

Ooooh, I’d love to try my hands at Marvel one of these days!

I’ll be there!

as for the suggested options:

D&D 5 … we’ll have to take a look at it eventually anyways - might just as well get it over with :mrgreen: (jk, I’m interested!)

Pendragon … always up for a game of Pendragon… Politics, Marriages, Exploration, BLOOD!!! What more could you want out of a single game? :wink:

Grimm … yes! Still waiting for an opportunity to join one of those :slight_smile:

Marvel … would happily participate in a pinch, might choose another table though if possible (not so into the supers thing, personally)

D&D … a continuation of The Adventures of Gaxophron, Valiant Halfling Warrior?! Anytime! :mrgreen:

Cthulhu … I’m scared if -H- runs it… which might kinda be the point, though… so yeah, I’d be in :wink:

Blowback … still sounds interesting, if obscure - I’d give it a shot for sure!

CoC and Marvel would be a blast for me too. Judging by the excuberant sounds one can hear coming fron H’s table, Blowback could be quite entertaining as well. I don’t know about Grimm though. Let’s see what happens on Thursday.

Most of those I’ve yet to play, Grimm, CoC and Blowback but certainly excited to try. CoC sounds good particularly considering some of the responses about it.

Yep, sounds great!

Well, H, what about we do it themed?

For example, this week could be Greg Stafford week, with one table playing CoC and the other Pendie.

And next week could be D&D old and new with some second edition at a table and fifth at the other…

I’m coming as well :slight_smile:
I’d be interested in the D&D Next game, but let’s see how it turns out.

See you guys and gals there!

[quote=“Simon”]Well, H, what about we do it themed?

For example, this week could be Greg Stafford week, with one table playing CoC and the other Pendie.

And next week could be D&D old and new with some second edition at a table and fifth at the other…[/quote]
Sounds like a fun idea. Sure, I’d be up for that. Although there are a bunch of Stafford games to choose from besides CoC. Hmm …

Who would be playing Pendragon?

I’d be happy to run D&D next week, too. But second edition? I’m way too crotchety for new-fangled stuff like that!

I would love to have a chance to play the new edition with you sometime, though. Any chance of a re-run somewhere down the road?

Yep, fo’ sure.

I guess I could even run it twice over the next two Thursday, if people prefer it to Pendie…
I an easy that way.

Hm, Pendie or Cthulhu, tough call… I’d probably flip a coin or roll a dice about it if hard pressed to decide between those two

D&D old vs. new… almost as difficult, really… but for some reason I sense quite a number of D&D 5/Next/New games coming our way in the not-so-remote future :wink:
I’d probably roll a dice between those two as well :mrgreen:

[quote=“Auburney”]D&D old vs. new… almost as difficult, really… but for some reason I sense quite a number of D&D 5/Next/New games coming our way in the not-so-remote future :wink:

That’s a very distinct possibility.
The system seems like our would work pretty well and, having read a significant chunk of the adventure in the starter kit, it looks like our would take a few sessions to run, but that it would be good fun doing so.
It reminds me a bit of the old Baldur’s gate game…

I’ll be there.

Ok, I think I will be running Pendie this week and the starter D&D next adventure next week.
There might be re-run on this one, depending on the number of interested players…