We V.A.L.U.E WoWKeepers

I’ll be there playing t1-2

I’ll be there to run a t2 game.

I’ll be there - time to finally catch a planar ship just to get rid of it?
otherwise deal with the red hand

I’d join your game with one of my T3 characters if you continue it? :slight_smile:

I like to join with T1-2. I would be happy to join Lux´s table again if he continues his planer game.

Garas somehow got totally focused on his studies so deep that he even forgot that there is something bad happing outside. He will be no help because I can’t make this time. Looks like he tries to avoid any encounter with dragons …

Also, can we have the address for the venue in the main post?

I’ll be there as a player, either T1 or T2 :smiley:

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DMs (2):
-cat4laught T1 :older_man:
-Lux_Tenebraeque T2 :wheel:

Players (8):
-allie.b T1-T2
-Arthilas T2-T4 … wants to join :wheel: with a T3 if that is possible
-Martin T1-T2
-Tea007 T1-T2 … wants to join :wheel: if that is possible
-Unsniped T1-T2
-Xerdor T1-T2 … wants to join :wheel: if that is possible
-0x_anette +1 T1 (x2)

i’ll be there to join a T1-2 game :slight_smile:

I will be there too, prefer to join Lux’s game. Otherwise I will bring T1/T2 characters

I’ll go ahead and drop down to a player to let people play lux’s game.

unfortunately i have to pick up a shift for a friend who’s sick so i won’t be able to make it this week

should someone prep a T1 game?

since we have two new T1 players but no T2 game

I can switch to a t1

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Sadly my cough didn’t get much better, so I’ll have to pass this time. Sorry everyone :frowning:

we will play the semi-finale :japanese_goblin: another time :slight_smile:

will also stay at home then :cloud_with_rain:

have fun everyone :+1:

Sorry, I won’t be able to join… Hopefully next week

God of roads declared: I’ll be about 15min late…

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