After sirius consideration I agree
Normeus is curious whetherprof. Thurandir would be willing to trade the Dragonss wrath bow for Cape of the Mountebank | D&D 5th Edition on Roll20 Compendium
or Orb of the Stein Rune - DND 5th Edition
Shakirah has the longbow. Thurandir is wondering why one would use something like a longbow when the magic he has mastered exists…
Shakira would happily trade the stirring dragon’s wrath bow for a cape of the mountebank.
Wonderful. Done.
g’Leh has to offer:
a Staff of Swarming Insects
rare, requires attunement by a Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard
the staff of swarming insects DOES need attunement
edit: … also you need to have at least 1 level in Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard
since you asked yesterday
Meepo (Kobold Rouge Barbarian) has a Barrier Tattoo (very rare, attunement; AC = 18),
that we could trade for Fel’s (Shifter Druid) sword of sharpness [scimitar] (very rare, attunement) ?
edit: thanks for helping Meepo’s war effort
Corvus (T3; Ranger/Rogue) ↔ Flind Fatestealer (T3; Warlock/Fighter)
staff of power (vr,a) ↔ robe of stars (vr,a)
Corvus the Eladrin Ranger (T3)
Has to offer:
Robe of Stars (very rare) Here
Opal of the Ild Rune (rare) Here
Ring of the Ram (rare) Here
He would really like a good bow since he only has a +1 Longbow.
Meepo the Dragon of Brindol (T4; Mastermind/Totem-Warrior)
- Staff of Power (very rare; attunement by Sorcerer, Warlock or Wizard)
- Sword of Sharpness [scimitar] (very rare, attunement)
- Serpent’s Fang [longsword] (rare)
- Shield +2 (rare)
- Rapier +1 (uncommon)
Flind Fatestealer (T3; Undead-Patron/Echo-Knight)
- +1 wand of the war-mage (u,a)
- +1 shield (u)
- or any item without attunement
fun item
sadly as written above:
and Meepo, the character you wanna trade with, is a Rogue/Barbarian
p.s.: Flind, my Warlock/Fighter, has the staff already
Welcome Welcome Welcome. Sirius Theraz the Cleric/Bard and Insurance Salesman has the following great offers for you.
- Wand of Fireballs r, a
- [Cloak of the Bat](Cloak of the Bat - Magic Items - D&D Beyond
Edit: Sirius has died and become the serious skull. So sadly he cannot trade anymore
@Arthilas about those boots of striding and springing
I can offer an earhorn of hearing,…I really lack useful magic items on xala. And I can’t give you my bag of holding unless you want 237 potatoes.
the earhorn of hearing is a common magic item
(but maybe @Arthilas also has other common items to share )
Ardurion would be fine with all these potatoes, he can use them to help elven communities in need, in Sehanine Moonbow’s name.
If you still want to trade your Earworm of Hearing, Shakirah has a set of cast-off armor she does not need (can be any kind of armor, including plate). Maybe Xala is interested in that?
@Arthilas what do you think about trading both the bag of holding against the boots and the earhorn against the armor and I find some bags for the potatoes that I can now carry without being encumbered because of the boots.
Both Ardurion and Shakirah agree to these trades
Ash offers:
Dagger of Venom (rare, no attunement)
Boots of Speed (rare, attunement)
Is looking for:
Most interested in: Staff of the Woodlands (rare, attunement)
Ring of Spellstoring (rare, attunement)
Barrier Tattoo (Rare) (rare, attunement)
Let me know if you are interested