V.A.L.U.E Friday - A halfling sized notice

Ghundralt will also be there to join Skullport and will do the skullport detective downtime action. He’s very intrigued by the new friend and his… longevity.

Would like to join @Alaadu if possible

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I’ll join. Ideally t3 but also happy with other tiers.

Skull port also sounds nice… With the magic of f(r)iendship.

W Ill probably join. Cant say yet for sure, will update later today. Any tier as needed, higher preferef

I would join today.

Late to the party, but I would also still like to join. I’ll be bringing T1&T2 characters.

Might be running late tonight, but will try my best to be on time at least:)

Ill be there. Sorry for late confirmation

Will arrive early actually :smiley:

Will be 5-10 min late sorry

I will also be ever so slightly late, but no more than 5 mib

Running 15 mins late

@Kenta @Valzon @Xerdor +1 @cat4laugh

Thank you so much for allowing me to share this fun adventure with you all and for your time :slight_smile: For stoping a terrible curse from spreading and solving the case successfully, each one of you gains 160 GP and ONE magic item from the following list:

Story Award:

A WATCHFUL EYE: ~👁️~ @cat4laugh you gain the interest of an otherworldly being who is keeping a close eye on you, as well you have a Spell Scroll (3rd Level/ Arms of Hadar/ DC 13 to cast).
ONE USE ONLY \Only usable at my table/

Happy Weekend and thank you all again, pleasure GMing for you:D

Fun fact I forget to share


@Alaadu yeah the Gilgamesh epic(s) pretty awesome :+1:

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@BufoBufo @DutchyGio @Jackfruitchilli @PatrickD @Stracci

Instead of evading the tough guards and fighting a two-staged boss battle at the end,
you aggro-ed every guard at once … and romanced the final encounter.


From splitting up the material components, the duergar priest have wanted to use to resurrect his king as well as selling his gear, you all gain 300gp.
Additionally, you gain ONE of the following magic items:

New Downtime Activities:

:dress: “Spellbook Date Prepping”
for Ghundralt (@Jackfruitchilli)
You let the duergar archmage transcribe spells from your spellbook, that could help her on her date with Sirius, and she would let you transcribe spells of the same levels, one a one-for-one basis. (write me on Discord or a PM)
note: after the date exchanging spells would no longer be needed
Cost: normal amount of Downtime Days and gp cost for transcribing spells

  1. color spray, comprehend languages, detect magic, earth tremor, burning hands, identify, mage armor, Tenser’s floating disc
  2. Aganazzar’s scorcher, continual flame, dragon’s breath, dust devil, invisibility, scorching ray
  3. Ashardalon’s Stride, counterspell, fireball, flame arrows
  4. elemental bane, fire shield, polymorph, wall of fire
  5. conjure elemental, immolation

:fire: “Pyromantic”
for Sirius (@BufoBufo)
You take the duergar archmage Charmayne on a date.
Cost: 5 Downtime Days and you should give her a gift

:smile_cat: “Final F(r)iendly Riddle Research”
for Sirius (@BufoBufo)
You research why everyone has failed solving the riddles at the final puzzle location so far.
note: cannot be done before the same session as “The Final F(r)iendly Riddle” :point_down:
Cost: 5 Downtime Days & 100gp

:scream_cat: “The Final F(r)iendly Riddle”
for Sirius (@BufoBufo)
You feel ready to follow the puzzle-map to the location of the final riddles.
You should probably bring a spare character, if Sirius attempts doing this.
note: cannot be done before the same session as “Final F(r)iendly Riddle Research” :point_up:
Cost: 5 Downtime Days

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Zala, Thronger, Theron and Mawrice (sorry its very likely that I butchered your names) explored an mysterious Island infested by various undead

The Undead worked hard digging a tunnel, chopping Trees but their action does not make sence to the adventurers yet who explored the Island further finding out that the Island has vastly differing landscapes from Jungles, Desserts, Beaches, sweetwater lakes and even glacers on top of the one mountain on the island, also they found trees which are way to olf to bee on an island which just apeared out of the ocean 9 weeks ago

each of you get Glass Marbles with a value of160gp and Either a “lesser Ring of cold resistance” or the “strangely short Longsword”

The “lesser ring of cold resistance” requires attunement, uncommon, this ring gives you resistance against the effects of the cold, in addition three timea a day you can use your reaction to give yourselve resistance against cold damage for one minute

the “strangely short Longsword”, uncommon, gives you +1 to attack it deals 1d8 damage one handed and 1d10 twohanded it also has the Finesse property in addition to the Versitile one

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@KKevin @Mexikorn @MyChemicalDeath and @Pry (sorry forgot to ask for your forum name)

You thwarted the Imix cultists to detonate a Devastation Orb of Fire in the city. Sadly the cult leader escaped but that’s for another story.

You get each 160GP from the duchess and additionally, you gain ONE of the following magic items:

(After reading the VALUE rules I can’t give you the staff of charming because in T1 it’s only possible to distribute uncommon or lower rarity)

Thank you for a fun session and making it easy for me to DM after a year long break.

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