Thu Dec. 1, 02016, Spielbar 7pm (open gaming night)

Who’s coming? Who’s got something to run? As a default, I can offer one of those ‘1920s investigation’ thingies …

There may even be a special guest star!

I should be there

I will be there :slight_smile:

Then again, there may be a Lone Wolf scenario instead.

Rest in peace, Joe Dever.

I will be there as well (though I’ll probably be a bit late)

Oh yes: d10s tonight, please, if you have them (I’ll be bringing extras). See you later!

Sorry, I probably won’t make it. Only just got back from Belgium and have to prepare for visitors this weekend!

Probably also going to pass this week

by popular demand:

Fighting Fantasy - Japanese version

LONE WOLF books online / Project Aon


If you did not take “Sixth Sense” in the first book, you should learn it in the second.

Thanks a lot for the links, Darthbinks!

I laughed hard on the japanese illustrations (especially on the sabre cat…)