Hi i will be coming first time joining here. I will be bringing my tier 1 level 1 character. i am not sure which table i can/will join
Welcome You will fit right in, currently there’s 2 tier 1 tables and if those do fill up we have more willing DMs to run
Thank you.
Exactly. If necessary I can also DM a T1 or T2 adventure, but I’d arrive wanting to be a player in Janlocks’s game.
Also, what happened? Everybody is so civil, are we simply that awesome or is something else the matter?
Were we ever not civil? No idea what you mean
This time I’m gonna make it! Bringing a T1 char.
Sure… Count me in (unless I play lcpd… Currently unclear)
Would love to join this if there’s space!
Sorry for the late notice. Jeff will join Ratterdam once again, now more vicious and devious than ever
Genghis Khan will join Ratterdam
For clarification: You can bring characters of any T1 level, although it would be easier for me to not mix level 1 characters with higher level characters since they are VERY fragile (so either everyone Level 1 or everyone higher would be perfect, but I can also make a mixed scenario work - I hope…). We will figure it out at the table
Hey I’ll be there with a T1 character on the Brancalonia table : )
Yeah, I often limit the level that PCs may have because I don’t want envy between players. It does help when you as a DM state this. So it sounds like T1, lvl1 preferred?
I’ll join with a T1 char
We are planning in bringing a lvl 1 and a lvl 2. Would that be ok for you?
When in doubt I’d have a character who is quite good at keeping a group of PCs alive
Is there any space to accommodate another VALUE newbie aka me?
Feel free to join. Should the tables fill up we have extra DMs
If @blueblaze is happy to run a T1 table again then we should be good for capacity so sure, come on over.
Wonderful, thank you! I’ll be there then, looking forward to it.
Edit: I’ll be there with a T1 character.