The V.A.L.U.E. of Mass-Combat Rules

:tada: For the Glory of the Broken Tusk :tada:

Let us all join hands and extinguish this mammoth :sunglasses:

Oaklig, Sunlight Warrior of the Firebringer and Leader of the Apes will raise his staff to crush our enemies and once and for all return the light to this dangerous yet beautiful world :mammoth: :sunflower:


Or just chill them out and integrate (or disinegrate) them! :muscle:t2: :smile: :fist_right:t2: :fist_left:t2:

Jlining Resilā€™s game

Ill be a few late

I will be also late. Can make maybe at 19:15

Clarification. Around 19.25

@Atanen @BufoBufo @Istariel @ThatGuyTed @truecrawl

thanks for playing

@Atanen @BufoBufo @Istariel @truecrawl all gain:
+1 level up, +10 Downtime Days, +3200gp in loot, 1 use of Nolzurā€™s marvelous pigment (consumeable) to cave-paint your epic deeds, plus you all gain ONE magic item from the following list:

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Story Awards

:sun_with_face: :mammoth: ā€œA New Dawnā€

:point_right: You recovered the Primordial Flame, defeated the Burning Mammoth tribe and recruited powerful allies on the way. Although with with Jydger the Gruumsh now travelling to the Underworld ā€¦ who will lead the Broken Tusk tribe?

The clans of the Broken Tusk tribe are looking forward to a bright but uncertain future.

:snowman: ā€œThe Frost Giantsā€™ Retreatā€

:point_right: The Frost Giants, plagued by their own undead problems, retreat back into their icy empire. Maybe I will DM an adventure about their fate in the future (no promises).

:fire: ā€œKeeper of the Flameā€

for: Cain (@truecrawl :lion:)
:point_right: You can keep the Primordial Flame (without the geas and without its curse) and use it as a magic item at my tables.

:bear: ā€œLeader of the Bearā€

for: Jydger the Gruumsh (@ThatGuyTed :bear:)
:point_right: Who will led the Bear Clan and become the next Gruumsh? You or I can run a game about this in the future.

:ghost: ā€œOne-Way Ticket to Katabasisā€

for: Jydger the Gruumsh (@ThatGuyTed :bear:)
:point_right: You serve the Raven Queen for 3 generations ā€¦ but in the nescent Underworld no children are born and no one ages, so there is no passage of time.
If you like you can DM an adventure about your characterā€™s fate :partying_face:.

:skull_and_crossbones: ā€œReanimating Recruitmentā€

for Cyrra (@BufoBufo :skull:)
:point_right: The Skull Clan is not a minor clan anymore. You gain stone tablets (spellbook) of their latest research:

5. infernal calling, negative energy flood
6. create homunculus, create undead

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