The V.A.L.U.E. of ceremorphosis - WoWKeepers, Holochergasse 53

Me and a friend are gone Join a T1 but WE are still beginners and gonne need a bit of Help

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I’ll be there to confront the narrator.


Would love to attempt at playing my part in an exquisite narration :upside_down_face:

Got a sportively exhausting day prior to it though, and as the mind is willing but the flesh is weak, I can only appraise the certainty of attendance at 85% - worst case I’ll attend in my dreams :grin:


I will be there! Finally got my first character to T3, so preferably that, but I would also happily join T2 or T1, depending how it fits.

Sorry for the late notice, would like to join with a T2.

And another late one can join any adventure T1-T3

It looks like I will be stuck at work for too long to make it today. Sorry for the short notice. Everyone have fun!

Looks like I can make it today and can also run a T1/2 table to balance things out a bit.


I might be running late tonight. Like 5/10 minutes. :slight_smile:

Thank you for playing

You gain:

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Thanks for another great session

Hope everyone enjoyed this spookier Brancalonia session “Big Trouble in Borgoratto” - thanks to @jboimler @wirc34 @Tea007 @Burek @haekr for settling the old debts of the Brotherhood of Old Bucket.

Pickings were somewhat slim with 50gp apiece retrieved from the forgotten paychest.

You also found Saint Gonnello’s Knuckles (Wondrous item, rare) that only work at my table.

Saint Gonnello’s Knuckles can transform a glass of water into a bitter flavored decoction able to restore the body and soul of those who consume it. The relic has 4 charges per day.

If you steep the knuckles in water for 1 minute, you can spend one or more charges as described below: 1 charge: A character who drinks the water regains 2d4 + 1 hit points. 2 charges: You can cast lesser restoration. 3 charges: You can cast remove curse. 4 charges: A character who drinks the water gains the benefits of a short rest.


Thank you again to @Smintas @fromtheforest @DoNotDisturb @maxellftw for playing at my last-minute table. Despite a religiously rocky start, you managed to make it to the abandoned mining town of Vermillion where, after some spooky happenings, you fought off some sort of creatures.

Your boss, Mr. Grieg, while eventually accepting that you did do what was on the contract, was somewhat disappointed at your lack of initiative to explore things further. As such, he has only rewarded you a portion of the contracted fee citing poor performance. Lukas, on the other hand was incredibly grateful for your actions and has decided to share a couple things he has collected over the years.



@frogemiah so… What about all the loot we created then disappeared then was created differently then disappeared again… Also the loot that we kept…

And what about all my previous loot that wasn’t with me when we exited the book

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