The V.A.L.U.E. of Availability on a Short Notice

To all brave heroes of the DnD realm,

is anyone up for a V.A.L.U.E. game this Friday 4th of February at Café 1070? If so, please post in this tread if you are going to come, and if you are going to be a player or a DM.

Please remember that the venue closes at 22:00 so I would suggest to start the warmup at 17:30 so we are ready to roll at 18:00

Myself I would prefer to be a player (have Tier1 and Tier2 characters available) but can bring along at Tier1 adventure if needed.

:point_right: V.A.L.U.E. rules for new players

:point_right: RPG Vienna Quick Start Guide

Item unlocks and their TCP cost can be found here.

So far in as players:

As DMs:

Seems that we got the minimum to play so game is definitely on. I’ll bring a Tier1 adventure along

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I’d be interested in joining.
It would be my very first time and would therefore stick to being a player. :slight_smile:

I’d also like to join as a player (T1-2), looking forward to playing again!

I will likely be there too as a player, although I will only be able to come close to 18:00 due to sports :slight_smile:

How likely? Since I don’t think we are enough if you can’t make it. :slight_smile:

I would join with a T1 character if we are enough :slight_smile:

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I can make it :slight_smile:

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Did u guys played a Wild Sheep Chase before (tier 1)? Thinking of bringing this one along.

I GMed it.
I have no problem holding back and play my character as unaware of what’s going on as possible. :wink:

I’m just bringing a lvl1 character, though, as I’m completely new. Bit worried if you dont tone the difficulty down haha

I have played it before and GMed it twice - including for the last VALUE session :smiley: But of course I can hold back and just play my character as unaware of what is going on.

Uh, bit too many people familiar. I’ll take something less popular along then.


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