The 10 most memorable D&D monsters

A pretty good list here and a good complement to this other list.

Fun reads, thanks!

I have to admit, tough, I can’t really agree with the thrust of that second link. Both animal hybrids like owlbears and things pretending to be other things have strong literary traditions, and are worthy inclusions in D&D.

On the other hand, I’ve always felt that beholders are a bit hokey…

Animal hybrid, you mean like a horse with bird wings? Or. a lion body, bird wing and human head?

You might have a point. Damn these Helens and their super-glue approach to philogeny!

Also, Beholders might have started hookies and as a bad pun, but their bad-assness transcended that. On they look much scarier in recent editions…

[quote=“Simon”]Animal hybrid, you mean like a horse with bird wings? Or. a lion body, bird wing and human head?

You might have a point. Damn these Helens and their super-glue approach to philogeny![/quote]
I blame the veterinarians.

Actually, I always liked the ones that didn’t define which parts were from which critter. An author would just mention wolf-badgers or spider-lions in passing, leaving the reader to fill in the blanks. Great way to add some fantasy atmosphere without resorting to paragraphs filled with adjectives.

Well, maybe. I still defy anyone to face a beholder without thinking of a beach ball, though.

Somewhat belatedly: Following the events of the tournament, I might still not be entirely sold on beholders … but gas spores are just ten flavors of awesome!
