Spielbar: Thursday 8/20/15. Open Gaming Night. 7:30pm

Any plans yet for next Thursday? I ought to be around and wouldn’t mind reducing my things-to-DM pile a bit if there’s nothing else on the slate yet. Perhaps a historical investigation …

Keep cool!

[quote="-H-"]Any plans yet for next Thursday? I ought to be around and wouldn’t mind reducing my things-to-DM pile a bit if there’s nothing else on the slate yet. Perhaps a historical investigation …
That sounds nice - I’ll try my best to be there. *

[size=50]*…yeah, yeah I know.[/size]

I’ll be there, but I have already been recruited to DM something, so I’ll bring a groupful with me…

I will be there :sunglasses:

Will be there and investigating sounds nice.

I will also be there this Thursday.

I’ll be there as well.

I’m coming

I’ll have to change myself to a “maybe”. Sleep is hard to come by right now, so it depends how I’m feeling after work.

Not to worry - I’ll be sure to run something that’ll put you right to sleep!

Two quick requests: Could somebody possibly print out half a dozen copies of this: grevsspace.files.wordpress.com/ … mark-1.png ? I’d like to run BRP and don’t know if I’ll be able to go home and hit the printer. (If not, no problem. We can easily do without.)

Also, could one of you cool kids with those funky Star Wars dice bring a set one of these Thursdays? Just want to check something.

Muchas gracias, and see you tonight!

Well… I’m not cool an have no SW-Dice but Ill print out a couple of those totally-not-cthulhu sheets :smiley:

I’ve printed 6 copies. See you soon