Spielbar: Thursday 5/7/15. Open Gaming Night. 7pm

Last week’s post went up a bit late, so let’s put this one up early. Who’s in for next Thursday? What will we be playing? We seem to have quite a slate.

Is the Queeste group going to be complete? We should finish that soon if we can. Time to exact some revenge on that foul wizard!

Additionally, Simon has a dungeon crawl ready to go. I’d really like to be part of that when it happens.

There will also be a Cthulhu-ish scenario to playtest sometime in the next couple weeks for those of you who enjoy that sort of thing.

I also cooked up a little Basic Role-Playing¹ scenario involving² Timelords, Ancients and a three-letter organization, but given what we already have on our schedule, that might have to wait a bit. So many games …

So who’s in? Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday!

¹ Of Runequest, Pendragon and Call of Cthulhu fame.

² Warning: misleading hints ahead!

Vanessa and I will be there.

Looking forward to it.

I will be there too

I will be there with Hilde. As mentioned last week, I prepared a 5th Ed old school dungeon that I could run.

Won’t be able to actually attend for I’ll have to catch a flight way too early next morning, but I’ll pay you a shot visit.

Sounds like Simon’s scenario for tomorrow, then. Looking forward to it!

The following week I’d like to run that playtest for anyone interested, just to steer well clear of any deadlines.

Sorry, I’m in Marseille all month. Will finish that scenario when I get back. And next time I run it with a time constraint, it will start with “you are all standing in a castle courtyard, having claimed you were lost in the woods and need a place to spend the night”…

That is not a reasonable way to enter a lord’s fortress…there is a town nearby. They would tell us to get lost!

Howzabout “you are all standing in a castle courtyard, having just hired on as cleaners and kitchen help?”

It might not e a reasonable way, but is the only way permitted by the author…

[quote="-H-"]Sounds like Simon’s scenario for tomorrow, then. Looking forward to it!

The following week I’d like to run that playtest for anyone interested, just to steer well clear of any deadlines.[/quote]


[quote=“Simon”][quote="-H-"]Sounds like Simon’s scenario for tomorrow, then. Looking forward to it!

The following week I’d like to run that playtest for anyone interested, just to steer well clear of any deadlines.[/quote]

Of course!

Ahead of my time … :b

I’ll join!

Meh, no visiting planet Thursday… To much to do.

Well have fun and see you next week.

Hi guys, I’d hoped I’d be able to come but unfortunately I have to take Katharina to the airport. Hopefully I’ll be able to come in a few weeks!