Spielbar: Thursday 11/27/14. Open Gaming Night. 7pm

Any plans? : )

I think a good question is who is coming? I know Dominik and I will come if a game is running and people will be there.
If needed I have a concept that I’ve been building that’s about Avatar, the cartoon series about bending not giant blue people. It’s essentially based in between the series (Aang and Korra) about the building of republic city.

I’ll surely be there this week and will bring someone along if there are no objections.
See you all soon!

Most likely won’t make it this week… :frowning:

My plans for this Thursday involve large amounts of turkey and pie. Have fun!

The following week, if the schedule isn’t too packed I’d like to run a little game about art. See you then!

I’ll be there, and if circumstances are right would continue with Viking World!

Or join any other game! :mrgreen:

I am planning on being there and can always run something or other.

Maybe something involving turkeys…

[quote="-H-"]My plans for this Thursday involve large amounts of turkey and pie. Have fun!

The following week, if the schedule isn’t too packed I’d like to run a little game about art. See you then![/quote]
Ah shame. was looking forward to some of the stuff planned

I may or may not be able to make it. My health is wavering.

Just lean back, and try to take it easy for a while. It’s better to recover properly than prolong it by straining yourself.
Wish you a speedy recovery, man!

Well then you do some manly recovering and do some manly dragon killing… Well as long as is can hinder the rest of my party from further pampering that beast…

[quote=“GJsoft”][quote="-H-"]My plans for this Thursday involve large amounts of turkey and pie. Have fun!

The following week, if the schedule isn’t too packed I’d like to run a little game about art. See you then![/quote]
Ah shame. was looking forward to some of the stuff planned[/quote]
To tide you over:

(Wait, was that a clue?)

I can confirm that I’m not coming. Thanks for your wishes. Also Dominik is still coming just as a heads up.

I will join and probably my girlfriend will come too. She has never played RPG but have heard a lot from me. I convinced her to try and get to know my dark side before we get married :smiley:

that’s sounds really nice

If there is need for a second dm, than will probably run my Eclipse FATE oneshot again, or maybe I will dm one of the japanese RPGs, if I finish preparing that today.

I found someone to ride my noble steed for me on Thursdays, so count me in!

Hi everyone, Katharina, Sophie and I will be there tonight, and we’d love to continue with the Viking game! See you guys soon!

Sorry I have to cancel for this evening :frowning:
See you next week

So we are 9?

Auburney, Chylli, darthkiwi +2, DoomKarrot, Simon, GodKingTom’ sidekick, and me

so I will probably dm something

see you

And I will improve something as needed.