Return V.A.L.U.E. of WoW/Keepers

I just might take my mobile seat (the hockerl) with me again, hope that helps :sweat_smile:

Afraid I can’t make it. Got a high fever all of a sudden >_>

I won’t make it today, so there is an extra free seat

Not feeling well this morning and don’t wanna spread my germy germs. :face_with_head_bandage::microbe: Maybe next week?

hope you get well soon

same goes for all the others that can not show due to sickness today

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Also I have to cancle - see you all next week!

@Alex @Astralchik @Clove & @Tiero
a few people cancled … so if you wanna show up at WoW/Keepers, there will be space for you


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i’ll leave this week out, you guys have fun though!

@ThatGuyTed Ill do with my downtime days “Mi casa es su casa” and “cleaning out the sewers”

Better to let you know late than not at all

Wishing everybody a speedy recover :hugs: get well soon :blush: :heart:

Hi, sorry we have to cancel, because I had my tooth removed yesterday and I’m still not feeling my best. We hope we can make it next week. Wish you all a fun evening.

The headstomper will be missed :,/

Running late, forgot there is a demonstration tonight. Be there as soon as possible.

shit, I took a little afternoon nap … and somehow missed my alarm and just now got up, feels like if I come by now I’d only interrupt games, so I will sit out today, sorrry

@Alex @stollow @JuMiSu Thanks for playing the first game as a DM with me, i had a lot of fun.

Also congratulations on helping Finethir Shinebright back to his former glorious self and withstanding Max’s greatest trick yet: Turning a sheep into a Gibbering Mouther (totally planed btw). As a reward for helping him, Shinebright generously gifts you the things you already stole from him (which are worth 100gp). Handing Guz over to the local authorities nets you another 50gp. You also get to keep the Charred Wand of Magic Missiles you found in the bedroom.

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@Alex Here is a guide on how to host your own 5e wiki.

Thanks for running and the fun time. :smile:

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@Darthbinks @Burek @BufoBufo @Mexikorn @Alaadu

Thank you for the fun session. Because you stole the mercinaries money chest you gain 3200 gp each with the rest of it being invested into the revolutionary efforts.

You also find Donjon’s Sundering Sphere in the treasure chest, which is the magic item for this session.

You also gain 1 level up and 10 downtime days.

In addition to that you unlocked the following homebrew story awards:

Homebrew Story Awards

Bathe in the Blood of the Beast
Your vision during the blood-ritual has shown you the path to greatness. For your body to transform and become carnage and murder personified, you will need to bathe in the blood of a beast… trapped deep below the earth. Its demise shall give you strength! After which… only a katalyst will be necessary to complete the transformation… the dragonborn in blueish-grey might be the answer.

A mind lost to Power
You see it now! The answer to your search for more power, for a deepened connection with… The Pickled One. For your mind to expand you must relinquish all reason be it human or animalistic. Drive is all that is needed. Reason is just an obstacle.
If you manage to relinquish reason (perhaps through the use of various substances) you will truely find unitiy with… The Pickled One… and your brain shall float in brine!

New body, who dis?
You attempted to contact the ancient lichen lich Xanthoria, trying to follow in her decaying footsteps, but something went wrong… the connection wasn’t strong enough to hold a full conversation, so you only got a few words. “Cycle… broken… need… renewal.”
Will this be enough to figure out what to do next?

Please dear Leader riddle me this…
Through your work in sharing countless motivational stories with the general populace and you work in establishing the zen-corner/chillout-zone in your hideout you have inadvertantly and possibly unknowingly become the defacto face of the revolution in the eyes of a lot of citizens.
They now see you as a rallying point, should things take a bad turn. (as in worse than it already is)

Friends in high places
Even though you didn’t manage to bring the dwarves to declare outright war on the Countess, you did still secure their support for your cause. The high king has made arrangements to equip any warrior who reaches the border with high quality armor and weaponry and thinks of you as an ally.
He has also hinted at the fact that after the Countess meets her doom, he will most likely attempt to conquer her lands.
(this may spark conflict with other bordering kingdoms)

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Was a really awesome adventure @cat4laugh, @truecrawl, @Istariel, @Janlocks (and co. :pray:t2:)! (And I don´t know the forum name of Blackie/Seb, if anybody could tag him too) Looking forward the coming friday to poison the neighborhood of Neverwinter a bit further with you guys! :spider: :spider: :spider: :spider: :spider: :spider: Can you please give me character names please (Istariel and guest of Janlocks)? I´m so bad with names! :man_facepalming:t2:

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Thank you! It was very fun! Looking forward to playing with you again

Abracadabra :slight_smile: