Resurrecting Saturdays at Sägewerk

ok…from what i can see there are 3 DMs 15 players from here (not sure about the overlap with the group of 4-6players looking for DM) , 4 from meetup, (possibly 1 more irl contact) so up to 26 players.

We need at least 1 more DM. If 26 players show up 2 more DMs (which seems unlikely)

(this does not include the Behind the Screen group coming later)

The four folk from Meetup all checked in here - @NadenSall @Slabby @Evil_Danvil and their plus one, just so your not double counting.

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my friend unfortunately got sick but I will be there!

Unfortunately, I can’t make it this week after all - but if this becomes a regular thing again, I’ll join in the future!

I would love to join, I am tier 1 :slight_smile:

Something came up and can’t make anymore, hopefully soon tho. Happy rolling :raised_hands:t4:

Look at that @truecrawl, another nice option!

At the Friday game I heard you still need DMs. I could run something. I am not prepared, but I should be able to recycle something I run before and/or improvise. What I am saying it would be a adventure for me as much as for the players. Just a question, do they have electric sockets there?

@Xerdor @cat4laugh I just recounted it and it’s actually fewer people than I thought. We will be fine with the 3dms that already signed up


Ok, then I will relax tomorrow

Hey @Takanari if you have enough DMs I would rather get my sleep in then. Today was very fun but also exhausting ^~^

Have fun everyone


I have to cancel … some last minute family obligations came up. Sorry!

Turns out my flatmate has picked up covid so i’ll be staying home, looking forward to another time!

Discord for the campaign I started today

@Takanari Thank you very much for today’s campaign! Despite (or perhaps because?) of our limited success overall, it was a great session :slight_smile:

thanks for the game, correct me if Im wrong but I am guessing it was run by @Titan :smiley:

as for the common magic item Irontusk won in the Donkey Mario Snakes and Ladders, Armor of gleaming is a fitting reward!

Yep that’s right. That’s an appropriate prize for defeating Robo-Kong’s DK-themed Snakes and Ladders game (anyone who wasn’t at my table was missing out this weekend)


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