Reading in Lockdown

So we are once again in Lockdown, plenty of time to read - what are you reading nowadays?

if you like a good mix of scifi and fantasy I heartily recommend ‘The Starship’s Mage’ series (~11 books or so atm) by Glynn Stewart, actually if you like sci-fi with pretty solid physics, pretty much anything by Glynn Stewart is great

for LitRPG i recently found ‘The Limitless Lands’ series (5 books, completed) by Dean Henegar, which is also pretty good

got a lot more, so I’ll just drop a couple of authors: T.S. Paul, Christopher Nuttall, Debra Dunbar, Martha Carr (one of her books is called ‘Go Dwarf Yourself’), Kim Harrison, Patricia Briggs, Annie Bellet, Michael Anderle, Daniel Schinhofen, William D. Arand, Richard Roberts

that should give you a wide selection of sci-fi, fantasy and stuff between those two (as these are the main genres i read :smiley: )

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Good selection there @Tersidian have loaded those series into my goodreads.

For me, I have been mixing my sci-fi and fantasy with thrillers:

For sci-fi - Foreigner by CJ Cherryh, the Bolos series, the Collapsing Empire by Scalzi

For fantasy - I dug out McCaffreys old ‘Harpers’ books Dragonsniger, Dragondrums etc. I also finished Book of the New Sun and read Beyond the Moons from the Spelljammer series

Otherwise a bunch of murder mysteries - recently tending to the Longmire books since out in Wyoming he’s wandering around in big sky country and… well thats a nice escape.

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Fantasy: Kings of the Wyld, Bloody Rose

What if adventurers were treated like rockstars?
It’s a quite different premise and makes for a fun read

The new book “Ink & Sigil” by Kevin Hearne set in his Iron Druid universe is fun, too.

You want something set in your favorite (game) worlds? Check out Aconyte books, they are new, but have some better known authors writing for them, some of warhammer fame. I read the first Arkham Horror book and actually wasn’t super impressed because it was a bit slow-paced at times, but I have the second one ready on my ~60 book to read pile. Hopefully it matches my taste better.

Finding it nearly impossible to express my complete lack of surprise. :slight_smile:

Be well, amigo. Sully says hi!

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Was on book 3 of “Malazan Book of the Fallen” series by Steven Erikson, till my pad crashed. A gritty, dark and culturally deep setting with flawed well developed characters., That said, it can be difficult to read, but it is rewarding and worth it. Could be a great RPG setting.

“The Republic of Thieves”, third book in the Gentlemen Bastard series by Scott Lynch Lighter fantasy with elements of romance. Flowing and fun to read. I felt a strong influence from high medieval Italy, especially Venice.

Thank you for everyone, I can’t keep extending my reading list, there are so many great suggestions here!

On a bit lighter side, I suggest “William Shakespeare’s Star Wars” (by Ian Doescher).
Yes, it is the original trilogy rewritten, as if Shakespere wrote the scoreplay. But it not only just a rewrite with Shakespearean language, but also by Shakespearean spirit and a bunch of Star Wars fandom.

For example (after Han Solo shoots Greedo):
Han: [To inkeeper:] Pray, goodly Sir, forgive me for the mess.
[Aside:] And whether I shot first, I’ll ne’er confess!

I had to mention how the series continues:

“Don’t give a Dwarf”
“All Dwarfed up”
and announced but not yet released: “Zero Dwarfs Given”

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