Open game at the Spielbar: 23 of Oct

I’ll have to pass this time after all - will need to pull an allnighter just to make a deadline.

I will be there and I will dm^^

Ugh, looks like I spoke too soon. This weather change has messed me up. I don’t feel up to it tonight. Have fun all

looks like it gonna be Chylli, -H-, Simon, Alrik, Kaura and me, then…

unless someone else shows up, that makes us 7 people (incl. Darthbinks) - seems we should split into GM+3 and GM+2 perhaps?

But let’s see who else shows up…

Sorry guys; I think I will pass on tonight.
I am tired and feeling a bit cold…

See you next week!

thanks for playing :slight_smile:

new word: ‘Shadowrun Fluff Porn’

ah yes, that must be where all of those sticky adjectives come from, then… :mrgreen:

Sure, you’re laughing now. But you might not think Darth’s words are so funny when the alien overlords come to install a new world order.

You do realize, don’t you, that if you skip-read “[color=#FF0000]n[/color]e[color=#FF0000]w[/color] w[color=#FF0000]o[/color]rd” you get NWO?

Now do the same thing with “fl[color=#FF0000]u[/color]f[color=#FF0000]f[/color] p[color=#FF0000]o[/color]rn,” starting at the first vowel this time. UFO. Are you scared now?

Think it’s just a coincidence? Fine. Take the first, third and fourth letters of “new word” in the classic pattern, leaving out letters 2 and 3 (I don’t need to explain the significance of the numbers that make up 23, do I?). What do you get? That’s right. NWO.

You can do it backwards, too. Go ahead, take the first, third and fourth letters of “Shadowrun,” starting at the end. NWO …

Or try it with “fluff porn,” going backwards from the first vowel. What’s left? UFO.

You can’t tell me this is mere happenstance.

The truth is out there …

Thanks for the game, Darth!

Now I’m scared…

…and not least because I do of course realize that “now” is just an anagram of “NWO” as well!

You’re still not taking this seriously.

Let’s look for numerological clues. (You’ll do this automatically once you’ve seen through the veil.)

Assign each letter a value based on its position in the alphabet. A=1, B=2, C=3, and so on. Then add the values of all the letters in a word, and if the sum is greater than 9, add the values of its digits until you wind up with a one-digit number. For example, to calculate the value of “duck”:

Duck has a value of 3.

Now let’s try this on the words Darth chose, “New word: Shadowrun fluff porn.”

Start with “new”: 14+5+23=42 (the Answer - how revealing!), 4+2=6

New has a value of 6. Let’s move on to “word.” 23+15+18+4=60. Hmm … 6 again.

Shadowrun? Fluff? … Yep, all have a value of 6.

That’s odd. 6 … 6 … 6 … 6 … Even if we assume an even distribution over the numbers 1-9, the odds of this occurring are minute. If we assume that Benford’s Law is valid (and there’s no real reason why it shouldn’t be), the odds are about 1 in 50,000.

This isn’t a coincidence. It has to be deliberate.

But let’s look at some of the terms in that phrase. “New word: Shadowrun fluff porn”? 6.

“Fluff porn”? 6.

This is getting very spooky.

“New word”, oddly, doesn’t equal 6. The value of this phrase is 3. What does this deviation from the pattern mean? Clearly something is missing.

Let’s add one letter to make “new world.” Yes, now the value is 6. The pattern has been reestablished.

Order, naturally, also has a value of 6.

And so does UFO.

Scared yet? I am.

Note: These are all real calculations. Have fun tonight, and watch your backs!

I keep wanting to hit “like” on the above post… but that wouldn’t accurately represent my acute state of panic and growing paranoia - we should have a “scared now” button underneath posts!