Night of the Rolling Dice 2 (Sep 23.) - Volunteers needed (backup DMs)

Hi all! As you may have already heard, we are planning a follow up to our first amazing outreach event - Night of the Rolling Dice!

(here are some photos from the original event to give you better idea)

As last time we the general gist is that we are going to have many tables at location tba (most probably Sägwerk Wien) on either September 16th or 23rd. We need 8 volunteers to run games (mostly t1, a few t2 and maybe one or two t3) and few pople to help us run the event and take pictures. More info will come once we have the volunteers. We would really apprieciate to have volunteers and date preferences THIS WEEK.

I’m interested - how do I join? Just fill the form here indicating your preferences (DM, staff or photographer) and we’ll get back to you.

EDIT: So far we got 10 DMs for the 23.09. DM reqruitment is thus closed. We do however still need 1-3 extra DMs for backup if someone won’t be able to participate


I’ll be there to DM :smiley:


I would bring the Reworked version of the oneshot I wrote “a cultists will” should fit for a T1/T2 party has been testet in the previous version for T2

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