New Calendar plugin for arranging a game

Hello all!

During our discussion yesterday, it came up that a better overview of upcoming events would be useful.

I found a calendar/event plugin for Discourse and it’s enabled now.
When you visit the Arrange a Game forum, you’ll see a large calendar view of the current month.

When you create. a new thread, you’ll find the option to create an event here (click the little ‘settings’ cog icon):

only use that option, do not use the calendar icon, it’s not the same.

So, I wanted to test it out and see how it works. Please feel free to provide feedback in this thread. Thanks :+1:


is it possible to always have the current week possible? (mostly because I assume quite a few people use the forum the same way I do, which is staying on the overview to check threads instead of going into specific sub forums)

Not that I can see. The calendar (limited to monthly view) is only able to be attached to “categories”

Thank you! That certainly is an useful addition.

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The visual display of the calendar is weird. Has a scroll bar even though there’s enough space for the whole calendar to be displayed. I missed that there are events this week because I had to scroll for them.

no scroll bars for me on the calendar, so I assume thats a resolution related issue (still worth looking into obviously)

See here

probably should have added on mobile browser :smiley: I despise using mobile browsers :stuck_out_tongue:

but still no scroll bars for me when browsing on my iphone

You’re right. I also see that. Kinda annoying how the bottom row of days is cut short like that without scrolling.

At that moment, this calendar/event plugin is still under development so things like this will hopefully get fixed.

There’s a separate link to see the calendar alone, so that’s an option.

What’s the plugin called? Do they have a public facing bug tracker?

Adding the following to the CSS should fix the display issue with the calendar on mobile:

#upcoming-events-calendar .fc-scroller {
     height: 100%!important;

The issue is that for some reason the calendar’s height is set as a fixed value in inline-CSS (hence the !important hammer is needed), which changes (via Javascript) with screen width; but once the screen gets too narrow, such as on a smartphone, that height value becomes so small that a vertical scroll bar appears:

As a moderator I cannot edit the forum’s CSS, so you need to do that @Neil :slight_smile:

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It’s this 🗓 Discourse Event - plugin - Discourse Meta which is part of “discord-calendar” plug-in

Thanks :smile: I can modify the css for the “light” theme but not for the dark theme as it’s not an official theme which is why I held off on it.

Might be worth doing it for the light theme in any case!

EDIT: I fixed it for the light theme. Thanks @Arthilas !
EDIT2: I figured it out for the dark theme too. :+1:


Would it make sense to have a Meetup group or something? Idk about other people but I pretty much exclusively schedule via mobile and the notifications + attendance features on there are super useful

adding yet another split off website/app/tool imho detracts usability
aka calendar on premise (this website) → awesome improvement
calendar/scheduling somewhere else for use with this website/community → not a fan

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Thanks for the feedback! I’m trying to implement something along those lines at the moment but admittedly it’s a little rough around the edges. On mobile, you’ll see a bar along the bottom with a calendar “plus” icon. Hit that and it’ll show you the next few upcoming events.

The upcoming events requires whoever started the topic in “arrange a game” to create an event alongside it. It’s early days but I’m hoping this will improve in the near future as people get used to it.